Joomla! Template 002056 - Item Support

Hi! I have a problem, I bought the template and when I'm installing the quickinstall stays loading at the time of configuring the database... Help, I dont now what happen...
Hello WBRS1411,
Can you please provide us with an access to your server via cPanel or any other panel which was provided to you by your hosting provider?

Regards, AS Team.
I was looking and I proved whit a original Joomla 3.0 package, and installed perfect, but I need the demo information, I think, may be the quickinstall of the 002056 template is damaged... help! and i really need de demo contents...
Hello WBRS1411,
Just checked it, the package works fine, please provide us with an access to your server, we have to see this issue, without the access we can't help you.

Regards, AS Team.

Could you please advise as to how I can get the top menu (as-position-1) to display like the template demo. It is displaying as list items on my site.
You have to install the template using quick-start installation package.
After installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Is it posible to have 2 modules in position 6 that are booth 50% scale

Now it's 25% because the main template has 4 Highlights. I only want to make 2 of them.

Can I ajust the wide
Yes, it is possible, you have to change the module bootstrap size parameter under the module advanced parameters section from 3 to 6.

Regards, AS Team.
oke perfect, but now in the slider I have the problem that the faith don't go smooth.

I have opend the artikels with the categorie Slider, and make a copy paste of the three sliders artikels, ajust the name and the picture .... But the scroll is very nasty.

is it possible that the artikels are numberd in a special order??
I don't understand what happening...
What is your site url, we have to see this issue?

Regards, AS Team.
The site is but the the is offline so how do I provide you login to see him!
You can put it in your comment, we are not publishing such info, or you can put it in the special info area under your purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
What is the perfect option to make a user that is only approved for wathing the Joomla site and not making any changes... I have to choose manager to make the login work, but i have olso the edit button on the site. I don't want that!
The best way is ask for help on joomla forum:

Regards, AS Team.
One more time can you please let us know what is the problem? We checked your site everything looks fine.

Regards, AS Team.
Comment in status pending...

It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.
Hi, if i buy the theme "002056" (pet), will you give me full version of theme, code, and other components (espacially, AS Art Slider, AS Responsive Menu, AS Scrollerrr, Google map plugin, Acymailing Component) ?
Thank you.
Yes, the premium version includes all extensions and plugins, as well it includes quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview.

Regards, AS Team.
The slider isn't smooth,

the scecond picture comes first in the back before the first picture is gone!
It is because you have a transparent background.

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
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