Joomla! Template 002059 - Item Support

Thank you, now it works.
I found out that when the window width is under 768px, AS menu will be converted into the mobile version, the dropdownlist. I wonder how to edit the window width, that it will be converted into dropdownlist when it turns 1100px.

The issue I'm having is that all of a sudden my web pages seam to have increased by 20-30px. If you go to the link below image at the top of the page is the exact width the website has been since I installed it.

I notice this anomaly after I had created a new menu item in About and accidentally added it as a sub-menu to Contact. After I changed it back to what it is now I noticed that the template pages are wider.

How would I go about fixing this without having to redo all the pages?
Is there are reason why this could automatically happen and how do I keep it from happening again.

Hello VARDOG45,
It seems you did not set bootstrap size for your modules, the parameter you can find under Advanced Options tab, just set it to 12 columns.

Regards, AS Team.

I've a problem with the joomla default "search"-modul on this template!
Behind the search-box will be show a search-"button" (without symbol or picture --> only text) but the backgroundcolor there is so bad and I didn't find the correct css-parameter to set them into the right color or change the fontcolor from this text.
The next problem is, when a click the "search" in the next frame you can see the results but there a a front picture.... there aren't a picture for the magnifying glass but a printer icon. With this booth problem, it isn't possible to use this search-modul at this time. Please check it and help me!!

Thanks a lot!
We have to see this issue, what is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.

the site is "under construction" at this time. Is it possible to send you screenshots from this issue?
Screenshot will not help us, we have to see source code.

Regards, AS Team.

Is this template built on T3 Framework? I can't get Multi-Column menu to work in this template.

Do you have any solution or future plans for a mega menu/multi column menu?

No, we are sorry, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
ok, so I will give a login account for troubleshooting to you. Please give me an email adresse to send you the login information.
The info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Done. Please see the login information to troubleshoot my issue with the search modul.

We need an access to your Joomla admin panel, sorry the info you provided is not working, please check.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there,

I have a problem and am new to Joomla.

With the site offline, and I go to my website URL. It would originally give me a login to the site, so I would login with my admin username and it would show me the site, from there I could browse the site. Then if I wanted to make edits, I would have to login again to the Administrator area. Now to my problem.....

I log out of the Admin area but I am still logged in to the front end and can't log out or put the site online. Anyone else going to the site gets a "Sorry, contact webmaster" message

I gather it's probably something simple, but it's got me?

Kind regards
We are sorry, your question is not related to the template, please ask your question Joomla community:

Regards, AS Team.

Is the template supposed to have a logout somewhere? Is there a URL that I can go to to logout??

Just so i'm not confusing anything, I can log in and out of the Administrator Backend perfectly.... I just seem to be stuck logged into the Front end somehow.

Template issue? User issue?? Stupid rookie turning something off that I shouldn't have???

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

i'll buy another template if you can help me :-)

regards Graham
Try to install default Joomla login module in position 10 or 15, we think it will resolve your problem with logout option:

Regards, AS Team.
Hey AS Team,

ok I've set the permissions to the right one. Please try again!

Please check your site, the printer icon replaced with magnifying glass icon. In the tmpl.default.css file we added the following css class:

#searchForm .btn-group button.btn,
#searchForm.btn-toolbar .btn
padding: 8px 15px 5px;
text-transform: none;
border-radius: 5px;

Regards, AS Team.
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