Joomla! Template 002061 - Item Support

I am pretty much struggeling with the template. I try to implement the social media buttons as implemented in the demo (premium version). But the result I get is this:

How can I have the titles deleted in those orange circles?

- "Add menu title" is disabled in the menu entries
- "Show title" is disabled in the module

Can you help me?
Have you installed it using quick-start package? After installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content and preview all parameters and settings.
The titles you can remove in the social menu items -> link type -> add menu title parameter.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

I have a few questions/ issues with the template I want to be clear on before I buy it:

- On a phone (i am using iphone) the phone number at the top of the page is half cut off, can this be fixed?
- Is it complicated to select to use the home option 2 instead of the standard one?
- With all of the options in these templates is it possible & the best idea to remove/ purge all of the unused options so the website runs faster? Does that make it run faster? (An old website of mine is very very slow and i cannot find any other possible reason so wondered if that would happen with this site)
- The main image slider at the top does not scale images down on a smaller device (i am using iphone) it cuts heaps out. Can this be fixed?
- There is no arrow button to return to the top on any device i use other than a pc. phone or tablet have nothing. Can this be fixed/ added?
- I notice the map in contacts defaults to satellite view, is this adjustable to default to map view?
- Is the logo and the watermark type background provided in Photoshop to edit?

Sorry for all the questions. I appreciate your time.

Kind Regards,
We have to check all these issue, sorry, but it may take some time.

Regards, AS Team.

Where can i find file?

Thanks and Regards
The quick-start package is included in the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
I don't see any offering labeled as "Premium"? What I see is Regular License for $24/- and Extended License for $39/-. Where can I find pricing for Premium license?

We are sorry, premium version means purchased version: regular or extended.

Regards, AS Team.

I've just tried accessing my site on a Nokia Lumia device and unfortunately it does not display properly. Is there anything that we can do to make this work?

The site works fine on other mobile devices, such as an iPhone.

Kind regards


p.s. please e-mail when a reply is posted. I am still not receiving notifications from this site.
What is your site url please? Can you please provide us with more info regarding this problem?
Sorry, we are not providing support via email.
but you can change the email in your user profile, because you have a different one.

Regards, AS Team.

The user web site details are in my account information on here.

Please could you take a look and let me know what the issue is.

I don't expect e-mail support. The reason I asked you to e-mail me is because your system never sends a message to me to notify me that there has been a reply, therefore I have to keep checking this site. It would be nice if you could be helpful and simply notify me by e-mail, as requested.

Kind regards

Can you please provide us with more info regarding this problem? We do not have Nokia, but we checked it with Nexus, LG and Samsung, we do not see any problems.
For all notification emails please check:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

Just checking for an update on the questions I asked posted: 2014-06-24.

In addition i also looked further at the 'blog' section of the website and I want to know if the blog is limited to the 4 articles and i would have to overwrite after that or if there is an easy creation of more articles and an archiving system which is not shown at present? There is also no feature to like with facebook, google plus or twitter ect. on each article or any ability for users to comment and owner to reply. Are these features lacking by design or to be added at a later date?

There is no any updates yet.
The blog is not limited, you can publish as much as you want, the comment option and the social media icons you have to install and config by yourself using Joomla extensions:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

I am wanting to know whether there is a solution or there will be an update to the template soon for each of the following:

- On a phone (i am using iphone) the phone number at the top of the page is half cut off. Is this a simple bootstrap setting adjustment or a fix is needed?
- The main image slider at the top does not scale images down on a smaller device (i am using iphone) it cuts heaps out. This is pretty much useless for portfolio images because they will be pieces of work on a tablet or phone.
- There is no arrow button to return to the top on any device i use other than a pc. phone or tablet have nothing. This is not that urgent or important i am just curious.
- The map in contacts defaults to satellite view, how can I change the default to map view? I want to set the location as my office and have the map visible.

Thanks for answering my previous questions, I am aware now that i will simply have to purchase an extension for any blog features and change the template accordingly.

Kind Regards,
Hi AS Templates,

I'm hesitating to buy this template.
Once ive got this template does it still have any copyright AS Designs or something like that ?

And if i bought it can i just install the template and does it look like the demo straight away ?

Thanks in advanced
The premium version does not have copyright. In case to have your site exact like our demo preview you must to install it using quick-start installation package, please see the template documentation for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

In the map there is some kind of slider bar showing in the top left but it is half invisible, is there a way to remove this?
Also how would i add an instagram link in the social icons at the top and bottom of the screen and have it look like the existing ones, or if i could change twitter to an instagram one.

What is your site url please? We have to see this issue with the slider.
For changing the link and icon i your Joomla admin panel please go to Menus -> Social -> Twitter -> Link Type and change 'icon-twitter' css class with 'icon-instagram', under the Detials tab change the link.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

I am in the process of setting up a new website with this template so i apologise if i ask a few questions. I am trying to figure out how to change the images in the main slider as well as their descriptions. Could you point explain how?

I was also looking at purchasing easyblog to install to this website unless you have any better suggestions to add comment and social media info to this template?

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Item Name:
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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