Joomla! Template 002062 - Item Support

Hi, how do you get the menu displayed on the side of the top? I've downloaded and installed the template and applied it to all of my menu's but they dont appear on my frontpage? Just the standard home-item displays and the header.

Please help me, I love you template.

Thanks in advance.
We are sorry, there is no support to our free items.

Regards, AS Team.
I bought regular licenece and need information about parameters and module positions like in earlier designs prior to 2060.
2057 and backwards version seem to have all the helpstuff I need.
This is quite important cause company has already started.

Thank you guys for assistance
Joe - (Joerg Baltschun)
In case to have the template like our demo preview page you have to install it using quick-start installation package, after installing the package you will have an access to all parameters, settings and content. PLease see the following page for more info:

The template module positions you can preview Here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

could you please document the other
Joomla! 3 Bootstrapped Template - 002062 - Item Parameters

like letters, colors....

Thanks for module positions, it´s getting easier now.
A little help regarding settings for poca gallery is recommended.

In case to preview all these parameters you have install the template using quick-start installation package. Sorry, there is no other way.

Regards, AS Team.

I know i am a free user of the template but i bought the as menu module and I was also willing to buy the template. Until I read this comments so you are saying that in order to make my template and menu look as the preview I will have to install joomla from the beginning with your quick installation? Isn't there any other option like when we buy the template we get some documentation that explains those parameters in order to make it manual without uninstalling my current joomla version?

Thank you,
Hello RITHWT1990,
We are sorry, there is no other option, in case to see all parameters you have to install the quick-start package on your site or you can install it in some demo folder.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for the reply I want to make one more pre-sale question. The social media buttons that you have on top of the preview are a feature of the premium edition?

Hello RITHWT1990,
Yes, it is available in premium version.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I purchased this Template last week, I really like it and I am making a few changes to it, One thing I have done is moved the menu on the home page from the side to the top like on all other pages, but with doing this, the images have not expanded out and have stuck to the size of the table.

Please can you tell me what I have to change to have them expand to fill the container width and not just 3/4 of it.

Dont worry, I have sorted it out...

I purchased this template and tried to install it.
At the last page of the setup I selected the sample data and click on "Install". Then the installation is working but it doesn't end with the "congratulations" screen. Instead of that it goes back to the Finalisation step.

In the background all folders and database entries have been created.

If I rename the installation folder I receive following error message:
No configuration file found and no installation code available. Exiting...

What did I wrong?

Did you try to install it without sample data? It looks like your server works too slow, try to change the 'max_execution_time' parameter in php.ini file on your server from 30 to 300.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

I created an .htaccess file and set there the max_execution_time to 300.
I saved the file in the installation folder.
But the installation won't work. Even if i only use the installation without any sample data.

I found another issue. At the summary page of the installation the message for "confiugration.php" is NO
I already set the right for configuartion.php in the folder installation/model to 755 but without success. The value is still NO.

Do you have any other ideas?

You have to make changes in php.ini file not in the .htaccess.
Please contact your hosting provider and ask to help with the file permissions, our support team is not able to help you in this case because the problem with file permissions is not related to the template.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I purchased this Template yesterday. Everything seems to be ok beside my forms (I use proforms). When I click to any form, the menu diasppears on left side. What is wrong?

have a look to:

Mietstudio/Studio mieten
Termine/Fotowettbewerbe/Fotowettbewerb melden

Before I used another template without problems

We are sorry, we are not able to provide support for any third-party extensions, please contact the extension developer or you can ask for our services:

Regards, AS Team.

I have a general Question. How can I get an invoice for my purchesed Template / Item ?
Please contact us using the following page:

You will need to provide us with your company name, address and contact info.

Regards, AS Team.
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