Joomla! Template 002093 - Item Support

Resolved for the contact form
up for h1, h2, ...

Moreover, I would like delete this ligne :
<style type="text/css"> ligne 193 from the as-mainmenu.
hi, i just bought this template but i can't get the quickstart guide to install. can i log in to the demo to see how you have ti set up?
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

After installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings, the installation may save days of your time. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.

Regards, AS Team.
thank you, that worked.

how do you make the AS sequence slider be the background of everything on the homepage? I have looked everywhere!

And where is that bike image embedded as BG for the header?

my test site is here:

the quickstart guide is here:
The slider documentation you can preview here:

It seems your images are very small, the images width should be at least 2000px

Regards, AS Team.
no, it is not the image size. my images can be a little bigger but that won't make them go behind the header. it has to do with using virtuemart to affect the <body> tag. I figured it out after hours of comparing my site with the sample site. This kind of thing should be documented somewhere.

I have another one for you. I am trying to configure the VM but I am getting this error:

"vmError: Warning, the Safe Path is empty, for safety reasons it is very important to create..."

Where the heck do you enter the Safe Path?

Here you can find detailed info:

Regards, AS Team.
ok thank you.

going back to my previous questions:

"how do you make the AS sequence slider be the background of everything on the homepage? I have looked everywhere!

And where is that bike image embedded as BG for the header?"

I don't really want to hardcode the index.php page of the template. What do i need to change so that the body tag prints:

|| <body class="com_virtuemart view-virtuemart task- itemid-115 body__home"...> ||

I am going around in circles!

thanks you in advance
never mind. i found it. the home menu item under page display/page class/home

how can I place two or more instance of as superfish in one page. After adding a second menu the fist one disappears. i tried using a style suffix but luck.
We are sorry, there is no such option, you can put one instance only.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I'm trying to use this template, but I'm not able to change the background image in the top menu of the internal pages. Please, how do I ???
We are sorry, we do not see any purchased items under your account, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS team from Athens.
I would like to tell me which way I can change the appearance of my eshop why not happy. For example, big letters in the products, vertical appearance of products (I would like to horizontally) in a smaller frame,the title of the products to be on a line, I would like to change the background color. How can I do all of this?Thank you very much
It can be done by editing css files only, you can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Firefox DevTools or Chrome Firebug Lite.

For more info please see the following article:

Regards, AS Team.

How add input in the contact form please ?
Hello TONY27400,
Do you need to add input to AS contact form or Joomla contact page?

Regards, AS Team.

I have need to add a input to AS contact form.
Hello TONY27400,
Under the extension Module Settings tab in the Fields panel just click on 'plus' + button in the right column, then enter label and field names.

Regards, AS Team.
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