Joomla! Template 002022 - Item Support

Research in Module I like having the only article that I find
It appears as a result the Item Name and date of creation and its name in May Category I like only does Article

2em Pb: In The Contact Module When to send an email it appears
• Can not instantiate mail function.
• Can not instantiate mail function.

In Waiting for your answer thank you accepts my greeting On
Hello walid603,

Regarding the creation, category and name, please check the following article:

You need: 'Creating Single Article Menu Item (Type: Articles >> Single Article)' step 7.

Regarding the mail function, sorry it is not related to the template, it should be done in Joomla settings.

Regards, AS Team.
How do I change the copyright at the bottom of the premium version?


Hello chuckpool,

You need to make changes in the index.php file, at the bottom of the file please look for the id called 'trademark and change the content.

Regards, AS Team.
Ok, that worked great. One more question, where do I change the margins of the left column?

Hello chuckpool,
We think it should be in #colleft class in the template.css file, it depends which margin you would like to change.

Regards, AS Team.
I'm having a problem with text entry field areas, such as login modules, the text box width setting is ignored and spans too far. It seems your templates are overriding character width settings.

You can see two examples here, notice the mini calendar pull downs are full width... as is the search text entry box.

Any ideas?

Otherwise absolutely the best templates I've ever seen.


Hello RogerDAZ,
Our template doesn't have css for the calendar module, you have to write it by your self, sorry.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you. I have another question. For example you have a custom html text module in positions 12 and 15. By default they each get 50% of the page from left to right. If I wanted p12 to have 75% and p15 the remaining 25% is there a way?

I guess you could say I'm trying to treat that row like you could a table row.

Thank you,

After some more exploring; is there a way to restrain a module position so it doesn't expand past the module layout positions?
Hello RogerDAZ,
Sorry, there is no such option in the template parameters.

Regards, AS Team.
How to insert a picture on Postions
Module is there that I should use (I find random image module May I want to still image)

how augment the size of a position '45,, 46, 47, 48, 49

I have just bought this template and I need to publish it exactly as your demo on my address (Windows Server).

I have installed Jommla 2.5 and your template, but it appears different because I do not have the menu ”features” with the possibility to change color style automatically by the user.

I would like to ask if it is possible to install your demo-preview mode or at least the ”feature” menu!

Thank you very much for your help :-)
Hello Pierluis,
Sorry, there is no such possibility, this option was written especially for demo preview only.

Regards, AS Team.

what is the position of the Breadcrumbs module in the asj22 template?
Hello brouard,

The position name is: breadcrumbsload, 'lease see the following article for all module positions:

Regards, AS Team.
Question: Good afternoon, I wonder how can I change the registration form. thank you
Hello carlosam,

What form do you have? Can you please provide us with an URL where is your form located.

Regards, AS Team.

Question: Hi I have bought template 002022 Premium Version.

Is it possible to get an Image on the white overall background?

Best regards, Ercole de Brouwer
Hello ercoledebrouwer,
Sorry, this template doesn't have option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
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