Joomla! Template 002099 - Item Support

Hello AS Team

Issue : Menu font and size of the AS Superfish Menu modul

I understand that I can overwrite your css files. But I think it's not a good idea as everything gets lost if you release a new version.

The AS Superfish Modul has the option to change menu font, size etc. :

Go to Joomla -> Modul: mod_as_superfish_menu -> Menu Options -> MENU LAYOUT:

Font Family
Font Size
Font Color
Active Font Color
Hover Font Color
Submenu Font Size
Submenu Font Color
Submenu Active Font Color
Submenu Hover Font Color
Submenu Background Color

I expect a change of any of these parameters should work without changing any css files.

Regards, Flipper
Any of your custom overrides you have to put in the style.custom.css file.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

Thank you for your help! I've understood the custom override now.

As I understand changing the Font parameters of the mod_as_superfish_menu can be done with the Menu Options only - without a CSS override- can't it?

Go to Joomla -> Modul: mod_as_superfish_menu -> Menu Options -> MENU LAYOUT:

Font Family
Font Size
Font Color
Active Font Color
Hover Font Color
Submenu Font Size
Submenu Font Color
Submenu Active Font Color
Submenu Hover Font Color
Submenu Background Color

Unfortunately it does not work with my project Can you help?

Regards, Flipper
It can be done by editing template css files only, the template overrides the menu settings. For example see '' file the following class (line 2312):

ul.sf-menu > li > a,
ul.sf-menu > li > span {
color: #fff;
display: block;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 22px;
margin: 0 20px;
padding: 20px 0 15px;
text-transform: lowercase;
transition: all 0.5s ease 0s;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

To top button issue:

Either use the Quickstart demo or

Scroll down until you see the "To top button" on the bottom right. Clicking on it is not possible!

Can you fix that please?

Regards, Flipper
In the '' file please find the following class (line 1596)

#back-top {
bottom: 90px;
position: fixed;
right: 40px;
z-index: 99;

and change 'z-index' property to 9999, so it will looks like the following:

#back-top {
bottom: 90px;
position: fixed;
right: 40px;
z-index: 9999;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

Thanks for your support!

I've changed the Menu font in the Quickstart demo and it works there without css overrride:

Firebug output

ul.sf-menu > li > a, ul.sf-menu > li > span { /joomla/as/#3 (line 988)
font-size: 24px;
ul.sf-menu > li > a, ul.sf-menu > li > span { tmpl.default.css (line 2312)
color: #fff;
display: block;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 22px;
margin: 0 20px;
padding: 20px 0 15px;
text-transform: lowercase;
transition: all 0.5s ease 0s;

Why does it work here but not with my project ?

Thanks and regards, Flipper
Sorry, your site is password protected, we have to see it.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

Sorry about that. It's online now.

Regards, Flipper
Hello AS Team

I've done a Fetch and Render with the Google Search Control and get the following error: Style Sheet Not found

My HTML header contains this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/templates/as002099/css/bootstrap.responsive.css" />

But the AS Template Package has no such file. There is only a bootstrap-responsive.css file.
A '-' instead of a '.' between bootstrap and responsive

Can you help?

Regards, Flipper
Thank you for noticing about this issue, please rename the file to bootstrap.responsive.css instead bootstrap-responsive.css

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As Team

With the Firefox Network Monitor I see that the image "/templates/as002099/images/bg.7.jpg" is downloaded from my server (GET request). Why? I have overridden the "bg.7.jpg" image with my own so it should not be used anymore. This happens to other overrides (bg.x.jpg) too.

Can you fix that?

Regards, Flipper
It was not overridden, it still the same from the template:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As Team

Is there a way to minify all .css / java files and put all in one .css / java file to optimize http requests?

Regards, Flipper
You may ask for our services here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

I did not handerstand how work the gallery page of this template. Can tel me which pluggins i have to implement to my gallery page to do like yours ? Or can you send me a turotial to do this ?

Best regards.

What is your website url please? Have you installed this template using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.

My url website is and the gallery url is

Yes, i use quick-start installation package.

Regards, Chris

The gallery is integrated in the template, it shows article images. The category you can change in your Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Gallery menu item.

Regards, AS Team.

Great, i handerstand. Thank you.

Best regards.
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