Joomla! Template 002033 - Item Support

I guess, I posted my last question to the wrong template..
I recognized, that the trademark tag is showed in green and I have no option to change to color to something different.

Can you tell me, where I can change the color of 'footer row3'?

Hello Excalibur,
You have to change it in the styles.php file, please look for class named:
#footer .row3

Regards, AS Team.

I tried to insert a contact form, so a visitor can fill it in and send it via email to me. I also checked the page and did as it was described but I don't see any form.

I don't know what I am doing wrong here. Please check and click on 'Kontakt' to see for your self.

I also used a manual for dummies to find out how to do it and still had no result.

thanks for your Help
Hello Excalibur,
Sorry, there is no 'Kontakt' on your site, can you please provide us with direct URL?

Regards, AS Team.
I reactivated the Kontakt menu item again.. please go to
Hello Excalibur,
Can you please contact us through the ”Contact Us” page and provide with an access to the Joomla admin panel?

regards, AS Team.
Is the newsticker (position-4) under the breadcrumb limited with the numbers of characters for IE8? Because I get different result in Firefox and IE8.

Please have a look under

Hello Excalibur,
Looks like IE has a limit in symbols, in this case we are going to create a module which will replace the existing news slider.
Temporary, please reduce the number of symbols in the news slider, sorry for that, we will try to fix this problem asap.

Regards, AS Team.
How can I download an updated template version? The only version I can see under my account is the one I bought in February.
Hello Excalibur,
Your account has a latest version from march 14th.

Regards, AS Team.
Where can I read the change log? The ticker bug with a cut off text is still there in IE8.

Is there an estimation by when the bug with the news ticker and the cut off feed is fixed for Internet Explorer?
Hello Excalibur,
Unfortunately it can't be fixed in IE, we are working now on extension which will replace the built-in news slider.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team

I have another question regarding the slider on the top of the template. The images are always in line with the top horizontal line. But between the bottom of the image and the bottom line there is a gap. I would like to close that gap but don't know how. Resizing the images is not an option, since the size is perfect.

Is there an easy way to modify that?

Thanks in advance
Hello Excalibur,
Can you please provide us with an URL, we would like to see it.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team

the URL is
Hello Excalibur,
That is not actually a gap, it is designed in such way :)
OK, if you would like to remove it you have to edit slider.css file located in the templates/as002033/slider/css folder.
Please edit the following class by changing the height from 475px to 450px:

#slideshow {
float: none;
height: 475px;
margin: 0 auto;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
width: 1000px;

Regards, AS Team.

Hi AS Team

You are just great! Many thanks for your amazing support!

Hi guys

I have created a news article with two images in it. Interestingly the images are re-sized to a lower resolution (original 800x540). I haven't found any option to avoid that re-sizing and at the moment I am not sure, if the template is responsible for that.

Could it be, that the template is re-sizing the images?

check here:

The article is right there.

The template can't change the size, you have to check the article setting in the Joomla admin panel.
The article contains the following code:

<img width="200" height="135" align="middle" src="" alt="dsc 3668-1" style=" ">

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
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