Joomla! Template 002046 - Item Support

Hi, can you help me with the module height for position 3. The website is
Due to the lack of space in the main menu, I placed another menu up in position 3, but there is way too much space left below. What template file and line do I need to go to to change this or is there a way to specify on the module settings? Also, is there a way to do the same thing with the header, make it shorter? Thank you in advance.
Please provide us with an access to your joomla admin panel , we will do these changes for you.

Regards, AS Team.
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I am not sure if anything has changed. I know I can change the size, but I'm just not sure which template file it's in. The main problem is the client doesn't want all of the space between the menu items at the top and where the header container is. Also, the space between the header and menu/menu and slideshow module.
We changed the spacing, the logo header is smaller and added 15px margin for the top menu.

Regards, AS Team.
I just removed the top menu, because it was still real spaced out, not how it normally looks when you have that top menu. Thank you for your help and if I can't get it to his liking, I'll just try another template. I edited the logo image and resized a bit and the header is fine now, but when I add a position 4, it still makes the header taller and text won't line up with the logo. If I space it down, it moves too much and looks even more uneven.
The space between the header and the AS Menu and the space between the Menu and slider module still looks real separated. If you can help me with just that, I can adjust the header and position 4. I am sorry for all of the messages. Thank you again.
You have added the custom html module in position 4 but you have not created css for it, you have to put something like the following in the tmpl.custom.css file:

#logo-row .mod-custom p
margin-top: 12px;

The space as well you can change by editing css, for the logo row please look for:

#logo-row .container {
background: url("../images/bg.header.jpg") repeat-x scroll left top rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
border-radius: 5px;
margin-bottom: 30px;
padding: 25px 0;

in the tmp.default.css file, for the navigation:

#navigation-row .container {
margin-bottom: 30px;

Regards, AS Team.
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