Joomla! Template JV Fashion - Item Support

Hi we are using your template and we have a few questions:

1. In which file can we adapt colour and size for the bootstrap megamenu?

2. In which file can we change the backgrouncolour of the pages

3. The votes in the hikashop are not showing. That is the text is showing: vote (7) but not the stars.

4. For some reason the productpage in hikashop is taking the whole screen. By doing this it is pushing the right colom to the botom. So instead of productinformation on the left and right block on the right, we now have: productinformation and below the right coloms.

That was all problems we found. For the rest its a pretty easy to set up template. Hopefully you can help us with these problems.
We asked for help 5 days ago. Can you please help us. The productpage for hikashop products has two big issues. The voting stars are not showing and worse the whole right module site is pushed below the productpage. We need help.
Item Name:
JV Fashion
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product