Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

Hallo AS Templates Team,

After clicking any sub menue item of the top bar - like Leistungen => Diagnose - I would like the top bar item to remain highlighted, e.g., after clicking Leistungen => Diagnose "Leistungen" should remain highlighted.

Our site:

Can you please help?

Thank you
We are sorry, this template doesn't have such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS Team,

1. How can I add more menu to position -1. It only accept 4 menu on the same horizontal line. If any is added to these it falls on another line.

2. How can I change the direction of my submenus to the left direction so that they can show without having to reduce the page to less than 100%. I wait to get your response ASAP.

1. We think you can reduce the logo size and increase the menu, or you can change the menu items padding and font size.

2. Regrading the direction, sorry there is no such option.

Regards, AS Team.
Question: I have bought the as 002032 template i have installed some extensions on it. i have a search modul placed on the position 45 (right side) which appears also on the detail result page of the proeprties. this one i have removed with a code and now its just blank on this position 45. no modul but also nothing else, the row is still there. the extension company told me that i have to ask you how this template is handling empty modules. kindly advise what i can do. thanks and regards
We are sorry, we are not providing a free support for any third-party extensions, if you are interested in our services please contact us using the services page:

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS Team

This is not the problem of a third party extensions. This problem can occur also with my own coding. This problem does not occur with the joomla core template so therefore you should be able to assist me without any charges. thanks
i just bought my template for the second time, but changing the the doctype is not the same as the previous one i bought 2031. the current one is 2041. can you show me where to go for the change to be done.
Sorry, can you please let us know more info about your problem? What changes are you going to make?

Regards, AS Team.
what is going to happen when you download the purchased template without putting your domain name
No support.

Regards, AS Team.
i wanted to change the doctype to html5 which i need to get access to the main template page.
secondly i wanted to to change the logo on my 002041 template and no way i need help.
The doctype you can change in the index.php file, please see the following article for recommended doctypes by Joomla:

For changing the logo please ask your question on the 002041 template comments page.

Regards, AS Team.
How do I change the size of my slider so I can use different size images instead of the sample ones.
This slider doesn't have such option, sorry.

Regards, AS Team.
I purchased template started working on it and all of a sudden administrative page has disappeared. I can log in, then I see two buttons: view the site and log out. Everything else is gone. Page is empty.

Please comment on the situation. Thank you
Something is wrong with installation, or permissions. Our suggestion is reinstall it using quick-start installation package.

Regards, AS Team.
I bought the template 232 a few days ago.
I've two simple questions:
Why can't I change the colors in the General Configuration Parameters in the colorscheme "silver"?
How can I create the same border as the slider?
I'vent found any answer in this forum nor in your documentation.
Please help me, thanks, Doris
The silver pattern is predefined pattern, you can change colors using the template parameters with the custom pattern only.
The border can be edited with any image editor, our suggestion is PhotoShop.

Regards, AS Team.
hello can i make two rows of boxes below the slider in the homepage?

can i make sliding drop down sub items menu in sidebar in this template or any other of yours?
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