Joomla! Template 002035 - Item Support

Good day I wonder if signing footer to change after buying the Regular License?
Thank you and good day
Hello SITEW192,
Yes, the premium version comes without AS Copyright in the footer.

Regards, AS Team.
Could you please take a look at this page:

Module position #59 is not positioning right, it falls down lower than 56,57 or 58 and sticks to position 58. You can see the same thing when you view this page:
Sorry, but we don't see any problems, all looks fine, position 59 is on the same line like 56, 57 and 58. Can you please provide us with more info about this problem?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, how do I change the top menu to stay with rounded borders similar to the menu of options gives facebook profile page, maybe using css effect radius?
It seems to be an issue that only occurs in Google Chrome browser. Why would Chrome re-position that module block position? Is there something I can add to the template code to deal with this?
We checked it in Chrome, everything is working fine. Try to clear browser cache, probably there is some problem with the browser.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi , can you take a look at my site
I installed the free template and i want to change the timing in the slider. The images second image loads before the first image disappears. Can you tell me how to change that.

We are not allow to delete our copyright from the free templates, please see our terms of use for more info:
It's really not nice from your side.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I have problem to access the sub-menu layout that I bought. It accesses only if I'm already in the menu that has the sub-menu. I tested in chrome and IE, both had the same problem. Would that regardless of whether or not to enter the menu, move the mouse to have it show the sub-menu. Can you tell me what to edit to enable this procedure? Thank you!
Please check the following page, step 7:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, Thank you for your previous answer!
One last question, on the demo site of your company, the footer is "OUR LOCATION" in the lower right corner. I'm trying to leave with the location information of my company. However to define the position is necessary to create a module, and when I create the module there is only the option "New> module type> Menu" then I select the menu that has the article with my location. But it shows a link to see the article and not the article directly (as it is on your site). I know how to display the contents of the article at the bottom (my address) and not the Menu for my address.
You have to create a custom HTML module, for more info please see the following page, paragraph:
Position-53 (Custom HTML - Footer - Our Locations)

Regards, AS Team.
Hello! Thank you! I requested to move the "Positions 12, 13, 14 and 15" down the text on all pages. The default position it is below the menu. I would put the following text (article) on all pages! Is it possible?
Please it's important.
Sorry, not quite understood the problem, can you please provide us with more info?

Regards, AS Team.
In the demo version there are some fields named "Our services", "Our Stuff" and "our Locations" . I need to drag them down so the field "Welcome to our site" would go up . This way the "welcome to our site" would be above the other fields . What I need to do is the opposite of what it is now . "Our services" "our Stuff" and "our locations" would go down and "welcome to our site" would go up. To make it clear, I need the "welcome to our site" to be the first thing after the image slider.
Sorry, there is no such option, in case to put content/text between the slider and positions 12-15 you should have some position, this template doesn't have it. It should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Serviceteam ,
i have a problem with upload and install the quickstart zip . from the joomla instal interface . Error can not find xml instal archive .

i would like to instal the layout from demo temp .

or show me the config files to import manually.

Thank´s in front
Hello NEO260277,
You can't install it through the Extensions Manager, please read the following regarding how to install the quickstart package:

Regards, AS Team.
Good morning,

i installed the template as002035 and created a menu which is working fine.
I have just one problem:
The items in the menu are only linked at the text level. The background buttons (listimg.side) are not part of the link from the menu item, which is a little bit confusing. If you hover over the buttons, they change but are not linked. Only if you hover over the text, you can follow the link.
Is it possible to integrate the background button to be part of the link of a menu item?

Thanks in advance
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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