Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

That is because Cufon fonts are not supporting Greek, our suggestion replace the font. We have release an update today or tomorrow, in the new version Cufon fonts will be replaced/added with Google fonts.

Regards, AS Team.

I made a contact form. But i need follwing options to fill in in Frontend.

i want that the costumer can buy a coupon

I need:




subject( shoul be fixed with the word "coupon order"

a option to choose between paying prepaymet or cash on delvery

a option to choose which coupon

a field to make a cross that they have read the general terms and condition act

a field for text

a send button who works only when you make a cross by general terms and condition act otherwise a message appears that they have to do this

is this possible with the contact form

when how otherwise do you know a free contact form

does an other contact form looks as yours in your template ?


We are sorry, the default Joomla contact form doesn't have such option, you have to use some extension or ask for our customization services.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I bought the template 002036.
I would like you to kindly answer the following questions.

How can I manage the slider? More specifically, how can I modify images ? How can I modify the texts already written? How can I modify the position? I tried to look for the answers in the modules but I did not find anything about it.

One last thing: I can not exploit the articles professionals, Beginners e Upgraders. Which position shall I give them and which form shall I use?

You can find here the scheme I am writing about, including the slider

1. The slider you can manage using the slider parameters, please see the following page for all slider parameters:

2. Images can be modified in Photoshop or any other image editors, our suggestion is Photoshop.

Regarding all other questions please refer to the Joomla documentation:

Regards, AS Team.

thanks a lot for the answers. Could you please assist on this. I was working with the template and all of a sudden the menu at the index page (the very first one page) disappeared. How can i make it appear again and only for this page. Also, the color of the menu parts when you scroll your mouse over it is the default green one and i cannot find out how to change it.

Thanks a lot for your support!
Please provide us with your site URL, we would like to see the issue with menu.
The buttons colors you can change by editing images in the template/as002036/images folder, it can be easy done with the psd file included in the downloaded package.

Regards, AS Team.
I am not sure if this is related to this template or any template. I have this template and would like to add a menu item that when clicked only changes the content in a specific position on the template. I do not want to load a new page but just change the content at a specific position on the current page.
Sorry, this template doesn't have such option.

Regards, AS Team.
Second question is on how to update the template. Do I reinstall the template or just replace the modified files listed in your update news.
You can do it in both ways.

Regards, AS Team.
The URL for this site is

Thanks for looking.
Can you please let us know in which position an d on which pages?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello is it possible to remove the first page and come live on the second page if so what should I do ...

Thank you to answer me
This option has premium version only, sorry about that.

Regards, AS Team.
If I buy the premium version only for a domain name is that I'll be able to qualify and support from you ... How much is $ ?

Thank you to answer me
It depends on the kind of support.

Regards, AS Team.
How to remove the first page with the menu and image on the back side I would like to direct the page with the slideshow, logo and menu aut h right ... Is it possible by purchasing $ 19 to remove the first page?
Yes, you have to purchase it, such option has a premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, we have a problem with our template,

we would like to take the original slideshow and remove it to an other position and copy and paste it but. we dont know where the source is. could you please help us with a instruction?
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