Joomla! Template 002042 - Item Support

Hello PETER1958,
You have uninstall the free version and install premium.

Regards, AS Team.

Apologies I am new to the Joomla environment.
Could you please advise why this free template download when uploaded via Extension Manager does not look like the example on your website. I understand that not all componens are free however my site does not have any modules, articles or menus.

Because this is a free template, it doesn't have all features like the premium version, please see the item details page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
hello footer is not showing. In preview mode i can see footer box with these two rows of positions, but on original site i can not see it. I added custom html module on position 50 but i can not see it. Could you please tell me what am i doing wrong.
and second i can not assign modules on specific pages, all active modules are showing on every page.
Please provide us with an access to the Joomla admin panel, we have to check this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Templates,
The items on the left oft the main picture show a different on-click bavior than the ones on the bottom:
Left items: On klicking the "Read More"-link (AENEA NEC...), the content is shown on the full page.
Bottom items (Read More on Busines Technoligy) : The content is displayed only on the area below the main picture.

My question: How can I make the bottom items act like the left ones?

Please provide us with your site URL, we have to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
I figured out that if I want see footer I need to add module to specific position, then it shows footer.
What I need now is that if I click on As Assertion Read more button it shows article down and I want to show article on whole page without slider, assertion, login form. I configured to show slider and others only on Home, but it affects nothing.
Thank for answer.
Can you please let us know on which page we can see the button 'As Assertion Read more' and in which position.

Regards, AS Team.

Such as on your Demo Site. AS 002042

Thank you
Please provide us with your site URL, we have to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Look at

but its the same as yout Demo

Regards, Rembeck
We would like to see the problem, on the site you have provided everything is fine.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for your answer (POSTED 2013-02-15)
Advice please:
- How can I Decrease Indent header menu item?
- How can I change (increase) the size of the site logo?
Hello VLAD043,
Did you try to use Template Parameters -> Header Configuration Parameters?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

there is not a problem at all.
It would be fine for my site i want to achieve on clicking the "Read More" button under, for example, "Business Technology" (on your example site) the same effect as on clicking the "Read More" button under, for example,
"Aenean nec tortor erat".
After clicking "Read More" under "Business Technology" I do not want to see the pictures on the right, which changes, and the Accordion Menue.
Is this possible?
Where are the settings for this? I can not find them.

Should I provide a picture?

Thank you

If you installing the template using quick-start package it should looks exact like our demo preview without any pictures.
Please provide us with an access to the Joomla admin panel, we will check it and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

Look at:
Now it is as you can see on "Bild.pdf"
When I'am clicking on 1 the result is 2.
When I'am clicking 3 the result is 4.

I want to click on 3 and the result should be as you can see on 2
Certainly with the content of 3 :-)

Can you help me?

Regards Rembeck
The home page type is a 'Featured Articles', you have to change it to 'Category Blog' and create blog articles. Please see the following article for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 3 Product
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