Joomla! Template 002056 - Item Support

We are sorry, such kind of issue should be checked by our developers, our support team closing general issues only, you can contact us using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Oke, know the filter is also disabled for the gallery view. I really don't understand what is happening here?

There must be something very wrong.

Can you please login the administrator to see if you can understand whats happening?

I just bought a Premium license for your Joomla template 002056th I do not know but how do I link the articles to display modules in the template so that the articles appear nicely in position 5 and 6 All modules and plugins template I installed and enabled. Can you advise me please? Thank you!

Thomas, Czech Republic, Europe
Hello SCHMALZ78,
What is your site url please? Have you installed this template using quick-start installation package? After installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content and preview all parameters of all used extensions and components.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, the website is I would like to pull the header and menu up more. I've tried changing some of the code in the template.less and it doesn't seem to do anything. I would like the menu and logo to pull up closer to the phone number and facebook icon. If you can just tell me which file I can make the adjustments, I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
You can do it by editing tmpl.default.css file, please find the following class and change the top padding:

#header-row .container {
border-radius: 5px;
margin-bottom: 30px;
padding: 25px 0 30px;

Regards, AS Team.
It's alright. I originally imported the template into my previous installation of Joomla. Now I made a new installation directly from your site and everything is ok! thanks !
Hi, I have a small problem. Somehow I managed to change the font in the top menu, and now I do not know how to change it back. Change the font in the template settings does not help. Can you advise me please?
Hello SCHMALZ78,
Probably you have changed it using the extension parameters. What is your site url please? We will check it and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for your help, my url is
Hello SCHMALZ78,
Yes, you have changed it using the extension parameters, you have change it back to 'Google:Luckiest Guy'.

Regards, AS Team.
yes, i do you understand - a different font in the top menu could not apply?
Hello SCHMALZ78,
Yes you can, and it was your first question, you have changed it to 'Tahoma' font.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello i activate the module Tell a friend, the popup is emty. proberly i mis a article? but can you tel me what i need.

i don't have a article in the preinstallt template with te words tell a fried?

Sorry, we are not able to provide support for the third party extensions for free, please contact us using the following page:

Thank you for understanding.
Regards, AS Team.
Hi, in the component Contacts I deleted the introductory text and stopped me to show Google map. I tried the code {google_map} with parameters and without a map is not displayed. Can you advise me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you!
Hello SCHMALZ78,

Try {mosmap height='358' }.

Regards, AS Team.
Oke, it was later that i saw it is a module from the contactform. Little mistake.

But still i have i need a answer on a older question.

In the main menu i have ove button col "fotografie"9 caracters. on my pc its ok. But that is 1920x1080 resolution, on a screen with smaller resolution the word with 9 careacters isn't in the middle.

the problem is that the left alignmend stays like he is, and that is not the problem with words like "home" or two words "over biba"this he put under eachother.

here is a screenshot

For mobile devices or screens with smaller resolution you have to edit media css files and change the font size to smaller size.

Regards, AS Team.
is it possible to have in module 22 news flits also view the image

i have 3 newsflits modules, with a specified categorie there show on the right page but the article image wil not appere. Is this because it isn't possible?

I have set in the properties of the module show article image Yes
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