Joomla! Template 002059 - Item Support

We do not have such selector in our templates, but you may to create your own css and add it to style.custom.css file, or you can ask for our services using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

Oh - right - I know ! is the same as

My contact form still doesn't work!
I can not figure out how to get the email address set to my email address - so I receive any inquiries?
Right now we loose all inquiries, although there is a positive response message on the webpage.

best regards Charlotte
There is only one place where you can config it: Joomla admin panel -> Global Configurations -> Server -> Mail Settings. If it by some reason doesn't work you have to check your server logs, the server logs you can receive from your hosting provider.

Regards, AS Team.
I'm ready to install the template. I originally installed the free demo so the template is listed. If I install the purchased template using extension manager will it replace and overwrite the existing files or do I have to delete the demo first?

Secondly, when I install the new template will it automatically become the default and replace my existing template? If yes, how do I keep this from happening until I'm ready to make the switch.

Will it change anything related to my existing template/site (menus, articles, etc) that is live?

Lastly, while using the demo I was able to apply the demo template to a test page using an existing article to see how it looked. However when viewing that test page using the new template the menu didn't display. Was that because the demo didn't have everything?

Please pardon all the questions, new to this and I don't want to spend time back-peddling or dealing with a crisis.

Hello VARDOG45,
1. It will not override your files because the free version and premium nave different names.
2. No, you have to set it as default.
3. It will not change any settings related to your existing template/site.
4. If you would like to have it exactly like our demo preview you have to install it using quick-start package, after installing the package your site will look like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.

Regards, AS Team.
I did the QuickStart install but forgot to check the sample data is there another way to get the sample data uploaded?
Hello VARDOG45,
We are sorry, there is no other way.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I initially installed the file "" Now I want to create a "Gallery View" (as in front end: Project) but I do not understand why when I go to a new menu and I click on "Menu Item Type" on Select and then on Articles I can not choose "View Gallery - Gallery category view with isotope plugin integrated". In fact, I tried to reinstall the file "" locally and the file appears when you first install the opportunity to create a menu-item ...

So I deleted something on the site I'm working on ???

Please help me...

ok resolve...i have make an _ on templates/as002059/html/_com_content

hello friends, I do not understand why they do not appear to me these two icons? One is to make the lightbox image, while the other displays the article ...
Approaching the mouse to the image of me appears only in the article title and intro text but not these two icons, you tell me from what is generated? Thank you
What is your site url please? We have to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.

I have installed this template using quick install and it works perfectly.

I want to create more "gallery views" similar to the one in "Our Projects" page.

Any ideas on how I can do that?

Thank you.

You can use Projects Item Menu in Main Menu like a example.

Regards, AS Team.

Yes, I have seen that as an example and would like to create a similar one in an article.

What I want to know is how you have created the gallery view in Projects Item Menu and if it is possible to add that view to an article or is it only available as a menu item?

Any advice?

It is available as menu item only.

Regards, AS Team.

Thank you for your response.

Another question. How do I get rid of /index.php/ before of every link?

You can do it by changing SEO Settings in your Joomla admin panel -> Global configurations, for more info please see the Joomla documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team
I need to load the default menu and content as the demo
so that i can modify and change easily
Is it possible with the free version?
If yes plz let me no HOW!!
We are sorry, the default data is available in the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
I have a few questions regarding Projects.

1) Home page recent projects section: is there any way to change it from showing an enlarged image to a link to an article?
2) Projects Page: are there instruction for how this page works and the various elements are linked?
a. Can the word Projects on the main menu be changed with upsetting the apple cart?
b. Category one, two and three, can these names be changed and what other elements/items need to be changed so every works correctly?
c. To add a category to the list (Show all, cat-1, etc) what's needed and in what order do you need to create them?
d. How can I add a fifth column to the thumbnails?
e. In the thumbnail can enlarge image be removed so it only shows the link icon?
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Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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