Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

is it possible to change the article title color using the CSS? i just want to switch around the rollover colors.
Hello chriswiggs,
Yes, in the free templates you can do it by changing css only.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you very much, but where in the css files would i change it? ive been looking through, but i cannot find where the code is for the article title.
Hello Again,
is google adsense built in to the free template? if so is it at all possible to remove it?

thank you
Hello chriswiggs,
Yes, you can remove it by editing the index.php file, please look for id named: adsense and remove the content.
Actually that is strange, because our free templates downloaded from our site should not have it.

Regards, AS Team.
thank you very much. I went ahead and bought the template, great work! however im currently trying to change the article heading color, and im not seeing an option for it, and eventhough ive changed all the colors some of the rollover colors are the same as before. do you have any idea whats going on?
Hello chriswiggs,
The heading article color is the same like body color, you can change it in the General Configuration Parameters -> Fonts.
If you would like have other from body you have edit styles.php file, please look for the following class:

#colmain h1,
#colmain h2,
#colmain h3
color: <?php echo $body_fontcolor; ?>;
font-size: <?php echo $body_hfontsize; ?>;
font-weight: <?php echo $body_hfontweight; ?>;

and replace the color, for example to grey:

#colmain h1,
#colmain h2,
#colmain h3
color: #cccccc;
font-size: <?php echo $body_hfontsize; ?>;
font-weight: <?php echo $body_hfontweight; ?>;
hopefully this will be my last question and my website will be finished! but i set up a contact page as the how to section explained, but whenever i go to test it it doesnt send an email. it will send one to the sender if the 'send me a copy' box is checked, but the destination email doesnt get anything. ive looked around online and apparently this is a pretty common problem. do you have any suggestions as to how i can get this contact form working?

thank you
Hello chriswiggs,
Unfortunately we can't help you in this case, the problem is not related to the template.

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
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