Joomla! Template 002034 - Item Support

I've got 2 problems with this template
1. When I publish "Search" field in position-0 I can see small white "0" just after the search field

2. I can't publish any welcome article on the left side of the slider. I can publish there - other items eg. menu , but all articles are published below the slider.
I need welcome article on the left side of the slider and all other articles below the slider.
How to do it?

Best regards
Hello SLAWEK1114,
1. Please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel, we have to check the issue with Search module.

2. You can't publish an article in module position 12, in your case you have to use custom html module.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for help.

I fixed this issue 1.

When the user decided to not display Search button - the variable $button was equal to "0".
The script adds "0" to variable $output - and the "zero" was visible on the portal.

Changes in the mod_search/default.php:

if ($button!=0) : // Maybe change in this line is not necessary
if ($imagebutton) :
$button = '<input type="image" value="'.$button_text.'" class="button'.$moduleclass_sfx.'" src="'.$img.'" onclick="this.form.searchword.focus();"/>';
else :
$button = '<input type="submit" value="'.$button_text.'" class="button'.$moduleclass_sfx.'" onclick="this.form.searchword.focus();"/>';
else : $button=""; // we must make $button to be NULL
// in real $button was equal to "0" not NULL - so we must make it NULL

Best regards

I have a question to this template:
How do I change the background position 12, 16,17 etc from one color to the color gradient (as in position-1).

Best regards
Please answer the previous question:
I have a question to this template:
How do I change the background position 12, 16,17 etc from one color to the color gradient (as in position-1).

Best regards
Hello SLAWEK1114,
We are sorry, the template doesn't have such parameters, you have to create your own css and put it in the 'as002034a/css/template.css' file.

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
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