Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

Hello As Templates,

I just bought the template and i tried to upload and install in my Joomla. But it is not installing giving the error message as " JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file ". Could please kindly help what i have to do now.

Thank you,
Hello nishanthireddy,
Did you unzip it before installation?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As Templates,

I have followed the instructions give in the link "" before. I have unzipped the file, but when i unzip, it has became a folder where it wont allow me to upload all the zipped files inside the folder to Joomla. However i tried to transfer all the files to a folder in joomla but still same error was showing.
I honestly dont know how to do with this. I tried all ways whatever i know. I am not able to go further in installing. Please kindly help me with the instructions other than that are available in the website.

Thank you,
Hello nishanthireddy,
You have to instal only the file:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As Templates,

Initially i tried installing only only but i was not getting picture of the on front page and background images in the other pages. Then i started checking the file where the pictures are. However, i think picture of the girl and background images are in So without installing why will i get pictures in the website? Is there any way that i can ask you to install template in my joomla? Could you please kindly provide me some solution.

Thank you,
Hello nishanthireddy,

All images, from the file, have to be upload via FTP in the images/sampledata/as002036 folder.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Templates,

Thank you very much for the information. I am able to get pictures now. Also, could you please let me know how to change "COPYRIGHT © 2012 JOOMLA WEBSITE " to my copyright name. I mean to say in which file do i have to work on it. I have looked each folder i was not able to find in any file. After working do i have to transfer only the file i worked to makes changes effective? Also, how can i change color of the button green to my own color. Please provide me your solution.

Thank you,
Hello nishanthireddy,
The site name can be changed in the Joomla Admin Panel - Global Configurations - Site - Site name.

The template doesn't have parameter for changing button color, you have to make your own images, see images folder.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As Templates,

Thanks much for your response. It was very helpful.

Thank you,
Hello As Templates,

Could you please kindly help me about how to upgrade my template to the latest updated released version.

Also, Could you please help me about how to change green color in the template to another color ( like in this website where it has purple color in the place of green). I am not sure about which file i have to work on to make changes in it.

Also, can you guide me how to work with the front page girl image. I mean to ask how can i make clear picture like the girl one. Is there any way how to make picture like that ( example in this website had exactly same like yours). I have uploaded the image(HD Pic only) that i have but it showing as partition in the front page. can you help me how to get only picture with white background to get picture like yours.

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Hello nishanthireddy,

The template update should be done by uploading all files from the installation package on your server using FTP.

Regarding your other questions, sorry we can't help you, they are too general, we are providing support for critical issues only, we are sorry about that.

But, there was some good comment from PLEUNBAAN, posted 2012-04-03, hope it will help you.
Or you can contact us through the 'Our Services' page and ask for our services.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As Templates,

Will the work which i have done on the template will be erased by uploading all files from installation package again? I have been working on it for the past couple of days.

I am not sure of what are considered as " critical issues only ". When we were buying the template we were not mentioned any where as we will be getting support for only the critical issues.

I am asking help regarding to the template about how to change green color to different color which you guys didn't provide any easy option to the customers to customize it according to their requirements.

I understand about the picture in the front page which might be general, I just thought to check with you if you can provide me any help.

Kindly help me about the green color where i can work according to my requirements.

Thank you,
Hello Pleun Baan,

Thank you very much for your help. It is greatly appreciated. Due to my lack of knowledge in using templates i have been struggling to modify the template according to my requirements.

I liked your website very much. This is what exactly i was working like change color green to other color and changing the front page girl image to something else. You got everything correct. it is really good.

Also, i am trying to follow your steps but i am not able to get it exactly. U have mentioned " Under menu -> templates, you will see many entries where green is used. " I am sorry i am not sure where is this available. I have searched in Joomla but i am not able to see any such option. Do you mind helping me about it. Also, is there is any way that i can contact you directly ( email ) regarding to this, as it takes time to be posted here till the administrator approves. Looking forward to your help.

Thank you,
Hello As Templates,

Kindly please answer my concerns. I am finding it very difficult to change the options mentioned above.

Thank you,

Hello nishanthireddy,
Yes all work will be erased if you will upload updated files.

All template parameters are available in your Joomla admin panel under Extensions -> Template Manager, please click on the template name in the left column. On the Template Manager: Edit Style page look on the right side for the template parameters. The preview of all available parameters you can see on the following page:

Sorry, we are not able to provide customization services for free. You have to contact our services center through the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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