Joomla! Template 002037 - Item Support

I've just bought your template 002037. I've installed AS MooSlider and I set the AS MooSlider on "slider" position . I set Slider background pattern "images/sampledata/as002037/slider/bg.slider4.jpg"
Why the background is only the first page? I would like to have Slider background pattern on every page, how should I do it?
My website:
Hello zbig1972,
Thank You for noticing about this issue. The bug was fixed, you can download t from your AS account and reinstall the as moo slider, or you can make changes in the 'modules/mod_as_mooslider/helper.php' file, you have to delete the following sting (line 126):

$slider_bgpattern = $params->get('slider_bgpattern');

Regards, AS Team.
This template has a problem with the proper identification of such SEO portals e.g. Subject, Description, Keywords
I have a website on this templatce I think this template needs refresh. Are you going to release the next template in the future?
Hello ZBIG1972,
All keywords, tags and descriptions you have to create and put by yourself via Joomla admin panel, for more info please see Joomla documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
When will you publish a new update 002037 template? Now we have PHP7 updates, and new modules of the template. You know that 002037 is great. We look forward to your update. Thank you.
Hello ZBIG1972,
Joomla does not support yet PHP7 version, it will be available from Joomla version 3.5 which will be released in the end of February.

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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