Joomla! Template 002048 - Item Support

Hi ASTemplates,

First, GREAT template! I think it looks amazing and it's been very easy to work with. Great buy for only $24.

Is it possible to disable scrolling on the 'Mj-Slideshow' module? In other words, I'd just like it to stay static on image and description 1.

Thanks for your help!

Sorry, not quite understand, do you mean to have one image and one text description?

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS,

Yes, that's correct. I know it defeats the purpose of the scroller but I like the way it looks on the page with just a static message.

Sorry again, do you want to have static message with different images?

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS,

Static image and message. No scrolling at all. I was just wondering if I can disable the scrolling somehow in the back-end.

This slider doesn't have such option, we think you have to use custom html module, or use another one slider, for example AS Art Slider which is included in the download package, see more info here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS,

I actually tried that. For some reason the AS Art Slider is not displaying the background image called out as the intro image in the articles in the 'Slider' category. I've unpublished the Mj-Slider and published the AS Art slider. You can actually go to my page at to see what I'm talking about. The text is showing up but no image. If I could get the background image to display, this would definitely work for me.

I've checked all my settings and I should be good. I'm not sure why it's not working.

In any cases you have to customize sliders or html modules, in other words it will not work without changing css files.

Regards, AS Team.

Do you have any idea how to disable this template from accessing Google Fonts? I have all my parameters under the 'Style' section of the template to pull from standard fonts, but when I do a analysis through GT Metrix it looks like the site is accessing this URL: Sans:700,400&subset=latin. I'd like to disable this to increase my speed.

We are sorry. our support team can't help you in this case, you have ask for our services:

Regards, AS Team.

I'm having some issues getting alt image text showing for some of my images. You can see an example of a category blog image that has alt text in the back end but missing in the front end here: There's also an article image with alt text in the back end that is missing in the front end here: Any idea what is causing this? Is there a simple fix?

Have you specified it in the Alt Text field of the article? What do you mean by 'alt image text showing', the text can be showing for visitors without access to the images only.

Regards, AS Team.

Sorry for the delay in responding to your response posted on 9-3 about image alt text not showing on the front end of this template.

I have alt text defined for this article in the back end: The alt text is 'GPSDM700/5800SSS (black) and GPSDMW700/5800SSS (white)'. When you hover over the image in the article in the front end, no alt text is shown. I've noticed this in other areas of the site like the here: I have the alt text 'Pulse Electronics' entered in the back end for the Pulse logo you see at the top left of the category blog. It does not show when you hover over the image.

Do you see what I'm talking about? Is there anything that can be done to fix this?

The problem is not related to the template, there is some bug in Joomla, please see the following post for more info:

Regards, AS Team.

The forum thread you sent was related to images not showing in category blog view. My images are showing fine in all views; it's the alt text for my images that are not showing when I hover my cursor over the image. Will this code solve my alt text issue?

Sorry, not quite understood your question, is your image link?
The alt text can't be shown on mouse over if it is not a link.

Regards, AS Team.
I really appreciate you working with me on this.

You are absolutely correct, you do not see the alt text on mouseover when it's not a link. I checked the HTML code and the alt text is a part of the link structure that the system generates. Thank you very much for clearing that up.

After working with the template a bit, I do have two other issues that have come up.

1.) Category link missing

The homepage at is set up as a featured articles menu item. Under article options, I have 'Show Category' set to 'Show' and 'Link Category' set to 'Yes'. As you can see from the homepage at, there are no category links showing on the articles. I made the default Joomla Protostar template active, and the category links appear for each article. It looks like this is a template issue.

2.) as-position-20, 21, and 22 not inline with content area

I have an custom HTML module set up on as-position-20 and as-position-21. You can see it by accessing The text area that starts with 'SemiElectronics Preferred Manufacturers' is as-position-20 and the Adsense links below that are as-position-21. You can see that they are both not in line with the content area. It appears to be 20px more to the left than the content area. I need these modules in line with the content area.

Could you help me with a fix for both of these issues? I've been super impressed with this template so far. I just need a fix for these minor issues.

Thanks again for all your help!
1. It works only in case if you show publish date, because this question is not related to the template please use site.
2. Did you set the module bootstrap size under advances module options?

Regards, AS Team.

All of my articles have a publish date but I do not have the date displayed on the front end. It works properly with the protostar template just displaying the category without the date. It does seem like a template issue to me. Anyway, I wouldn't want the 'Details' text or the date displayed. I just want the category. Would this be custom work?

I changed the bootstrap size in the advanced module options and it worked beautifully, just as you said.

Thanks for the help!
Yes, it will be some custom work.

Regards, AS Team.
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