Joomla! Template 002048 - Item Support

Hi there,
very nice template like allways. We have also bought this one but are having some trouble with the sliders which are with in the template.
Both sliders arent showing on smartphones resolution.
Settings are set to be full responsive and there are no restrictions made by me about under what width the slider shouldnt be shown.
Any idea how to solve? It for sure is some setting couse the both sliders are effected by this.
The Revolution Slider 2 will not stop if the mouse is over the slide, its also in your demo version so. If i pull my mouse over the pic in the slide the pic will stay but the text will disapear and if i pull my mouse over the text, the text and the picture will disapear but the next slide will not come.
Please sorry for my bad english.
Hope you can help me with the problems.
Thanks in advence
Both sliders are disabled for mobile devices, you can see it by preview the demo page:
You can enable it by editing media.767.css file the following class:
#slider-row {
display: none;

But probably you will need to add some css in case it will look good on mobile devices.

Regards, AS Team.
thank you for the replay. Do you have any "standard" css for mobile devices for the revolutionslider? I can use the css from the other template for the ASArtSlider but i dont have any for the revolutionslider.

How about a solution for the second problem? Revolution slider will not stop the slide elements if a mouse pointer is over. More details are in the message before.

greetings from germany
Sorry, we don't have such standards, you have to create your css and put it in media.css files.
You have to change the Stop On Hover parameter under Navigation panel to Off. All Revolution Slider parameters you can find in your Joomla admin panel -> Components -> Unite Revolution Slider 2.

Regards, AS Team.
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