Joomla! Template 002048 - Item Support


What changes are affecting the responsiveness of the template?

Please can you e-mail me when you respond to this? I have only ever received one e-mail notification from this site.

Kind regards

We are sorry, your question is too general, can you please provide us with more info?
We are sending you an email each time after publishing a new post, please check your junk folder or replace an email address, the address you can change in your AS profile.

Regards, AS Team.
I am sorry but my question is 'general' because your original answer was unhelpful. It feels like half of the time I ask for support, I get referred to the developer team i.e. to spend more money. All I need is some support as I would expect from a company that I have purchased a number of templates from.

You told me that the css code had changed and that had caused the template to be unresponsive. I am asking which code change has caused this.

I have only ever received one e-mail from you. Something isn't working with the site for some reason.
We are sorry, but your question is related to site customization, our support team is not able to help you in this case, we are not providing customization services for free.
Your site looks completely different from our demo preview, it means you made changes in the template source code. You can take the original template files and compare them in case to find where this problem come from.

Regards, AS Team.

Could you help me with a date issue.

I have published a single article and have the published date showing. Unfortunately the date is in the format yy-mm-dd. I would like to change this to dd-mm-yy.

How can I do this please?

Kind regards


p.s. I am still not receiving updates from this site so could you e-mail me when you respond? Many thanks.
The date format you can change by editing en-GB.tpl_as002048.ini file in the language folder.

We sending you email each time after posting a comment, please check your Junk folder or change your email in your AS account

Regards, AS Team.
Excellent, thank you very much.

I have tried different e-mail addresses in the account area. The site never seems to send the e-mail. I've checked my junk messages and there's nothing in there.

Are you sending a separate e-mail or just hoping the site sends it automatically?
We are not hoping, we know that it send, this feature was checked many times.

Regards, AS Team.
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Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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