Joomla! Template 002051 - Item Support

Worked nicely. Thank you.
Joomla admin => Components => VirtueMart => Shop => Shop => Shopper information

What is the purpose of this view?
It is filled with data from astemplates. What does it do and/or allow?
Who is the "shopper" in this view? Shop owner, customer, what?
It cannot be changed. Is that correct? If anything, should it not contain webshop owner information?
Hello GCARNE01,

Please read following article :

Regards, AS Team.

In the Bill-To address at checkout and in the order confirmation, the customer's email address is shown above the name. That does not look good. Can it be removed from these places? If it is a change in a php-file, pleas note path, file name and if possible, the exact change.

Gunnar Carne
Hello GCARNE01,
Yes, it can be done, but our support team can't help you in this case, it should be checked by our developers, you can ask for our customization services using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

The template was delivered with a shipment method Free Shipping. I created a new shipping method with a different name and deleted Free Shipping. The site has the languages English and German. The deleted shipping method Free Shipment shows up as option when the user goes to Select Shipment and is on the site in English. In German this is not the case and it works as I want it to (only one shipment method and no selection required). In the backend Free Shipping does not show up. Is it possible to get rid of the shipment method Free Shipping or can it be brought back from the garbage collector and set as unpublished?

Gunnar Carne

My question above of 2014-04-25 has been resolved.

Am having a bad error using ASK A QUESTION. My site does not behave like your demo. ASK A QUESTION does not show as pop-up, but as a new view/screen. After filling the fields, email is correctly sent but it ends in a "dead" and odd looking view. Resolving the first problem with the missing pop-up might automatically resolve the second problem. Can you guide or help please?

Sorry, unneccesary question above. Please delete. Solved by unchecking "Use Fancybox" in VirtueMart configuration.

I have some issues with "Recommend to a Friend". It is not activated in your Demo Preview so I cannot compare my site to your Demo. Could you check this on your Demo Preview and especially look at (a) the email subject (the subject text ought to begin with a sender name, probably picked from a field in the popup which at least in my template does not exist) and (b) the body text with the same issue as in the subject text.
G Carne
Hello GCARNE01,

Please provide us with URL, we have to see the issue.

Regards, AS Team.

In the product detail view I am showing different images of a product. I need to use the VirtueMart field "Displayed image subtitle" in order to identify an image so that a customer can see what the individual image is portraying. You can see one example here where I need a clarifying subtitle for the colour identification of each product image. According to a developer that looked at my site, AS is not using the standard VirtueMart image code, but instead some 3rd party image code for the zoom effect which does not allow for the image subtitles. What can I do in order to use the VirtueMart image subtitles?

Gunnar Carne
Hello GCARNE01,

You can disable Virtuemart Cloud Zoom in the Plug-in manager.

Regards, AS Team.
I have an old version of 002051 on a Joomla 2.5 site. After upgrading to Joomla 3.5 and VirtueMart 3.0, can I leave the old template as it is and install the new 002051 on top of it, or do I have to delete the old one first?
Hello GCARNE01,
The template for Joomla 3.x was fully recreated, changed all module positions and files structure. It will not work just by replacing the previous template version.
If you will decide to move to the new version you will need to build your existing site from scratch using the quick-start package.

Regards, AS Team.
(1) Thanks for your reply. I now have the new installed and am trying to get the same feel and look as my old site. Mostly I am using old modules/menus giving them new positions. I have the module "VM - Search in Shop" placed at "as_position_3" which is fine. I then have the Module "VM Account" at the same position and expect it to line up to the right of the search module, just like in your demo, but it ends up on a line below. How can I get both modules on the same line like in the demo?
(2) How can I view your demo using ?tp=1 to see module positions?
. . .an option would be for me to use the preconfigured, but how could I get that onto an existing Joomla site? Your documentation does not tell.
Hello GCARNE01,
Our suggestion is to install it using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

For preview module positions please see the following article:

Regards, AS Team.
In my demo site from the on selecting a new moudle type I can select AS ArtSlider, AS Menu, AS Scroller and AS Subperfish Menu. How do I get these into the installation which used I need this in order to create the same kind of look as in your demo. The standard module type Menu does not do this.
PS: I also need the other menu types. They are all supposed to be included in the purchase/download.
Item Name:
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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