Joomla! Template 002089 - Item Support

Hi team,
hove to remove footer on all devices without editing every device size css? We want have only a single 3px line at the bottom wothout name and copyright year and so one, we tried different things but its not working on smaller

#copyright-row {background-color: #1bbc9c;padding:3px!important;}
#copyright .siteName {display:none!important;}

#ascopy a {display:none!important;}

@media (max-width: 1024px) {
#copyright-row {padding:3px!important;}
#ascopy a, #copyright .siteName {display:none!important;}

@media (max-width: 460px) {
#ascopy a, #copyright .siteName {display:none!important;}

@media (min-width: 320px) {
#ascopy a, #copyright .siteName {display:none!important;}

Thank you, jae from
For any customization requests please contact our developers via our services page:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi again

and how to have a back to top on all small devices?
Hallo, how can I put the language switcher in the main menu without "destroying" the whole layout?
Thanks for answering.
What is your website url please? Have you set bootstrap column size for the module? The parameter you can find under Advanced Options tab.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello team,

the URl is

the module should be at the same line as the menu items, if not the whole menu bar is too heigh.

Ideally it should be placed at the right after the "Contact" Item.

I got it to the right with css, but not on the same line.

Creating a menu item and put it into with modules anywhere plugin, does also not work.

Also the symbol for the German version is on a total other position as the US-flag for the English version - why this?

I created a su-acces for the backend - how can I communicate you the login credentials?

Thanks and best, jae
The total columns in the line 12, if you set the size for your module to 1 column you have to decrease the column size for the logo or menu.

Regards, AS Team.
I tried different combinations without succes.
When I decrease bootstrap size of the menu, the items goe to the second line.
Could you please take a look in the backend?
Thanks, jae
Can you please provide us with an access to your joomla admin panel? The access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Acces info available.
We changed the bootstrap column size parameter to 7, everything looks fine now.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you,

But I'm sorry - here it does look the same and not fine in different browsers on desktop.
The module is not at the same line as the menu, american language flag is besides the logo, German flag is at the right with lot of space to the right and when reducing the window size, menu items go to a second line. On mobile, one version flag is above, the other below the navigation box.
I have screenshots - how could I send it to you?

Best, jae
We changed the bootstrap column size parameter to 7, everything looks fine now.

Regards, AS Team.

* * *

Thank you,

But I'm sorry - here it does look the same and not fine in different browsers on desktop.
The module is not at the same line as the menu, american language flag is besides the logo, German flag is at the right with lot of space to the right and when reducing the window size, menu items go to a second line. On mobile, one version flag is above, the other below the navigation box.
I have screenshots - how could I send it to you?

Best, jae
You have to change the column size English language exactly in the same way lie we did it for German, then you have to order modules.
The spacing you can change by editing current css or creating your own css, you have to put it in the style.custom.css file.

Or you may ask for our customization services here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there, how could I use this template in a Joomla 4 installation?
Could you provide the latest version 1.4 for free meanwhile?
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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