Joomla! Template ET Church - Item Support

I'm webmaster for my church and debating which new template to use for our site. Interested in your ETChurch one and currently trying out the Free version. Is there anything to be gained from buying the full license? And if so, what does the extended license provide over the basic? Thanks :)
Hi Thanks firstly for your speedy response - so refreshing after a couple of previous companies who never answered pre-sales enquiries oddly. :). So - the other thing I'm now struggling with is trying to change colours in the CSS - and also maybe increase the header section etc. I understand a bit of CSS enough to make the changes per se, but there's just so MUCH CSS to work through I can't find particular sections to make changes. Do you by any chance have more detailed documentation in that respect to help? Or can you give me an idea of what such sections might be called so I can better search. Sections I'm interested in would be header, main (left) menu, footer bar (for starters :) ).

Thanks again
Romayne :)
BMC Webmaster
Thank you SO much - truly - you've no idea how refreshing and encouraging it is to have a provider willing to give FREE support for a Free template!! Truly appreciated.

However, it probably means I'm going to be annoying you endlessly from here on, as it looks like I'll be switching to your template for our site unless I run into insurmountable difficulties in layout etc. But I doubt that, given how much help & support you've already provided. :)

Apologies - did warn you I might be a more regular nuisance :).

Firstly, now that I've had more time to delve into using this template can I totally COMMEND your team immensely for not only producing such templates as these but then to be willing to provide them for free is amazing!!! I can only imagine how much time & effort they take to provide as you have so WELL DONE on that front. But then you spend all that time creating something amazing only to have someone like me come along & want to change bits of it LOL - but grateful you allow for that too :).

OK, on to my minor issues: I've tried variations so far but not winning the battle on now trying to make some minor changes to the Header with respect to the Logo size and text placement etc. Ideally I'd like the Logo to be larger and have the text underneath, but maybe that's not feasible within the template constraints? You can tell CSS isn't something I'm competent with sadly - I can figure out the most basic of things but your template CSS is beyond me as it's so extensive.:( But after this there shouldn't be too many other things I'd be seeking to tweak hopefully.

Thanks again
Romayne :)
Oops - with all my messing about in the belly of the template CSS or somewhere else, I've only managed to lose the Logo altogether. Tried all sorts of 'fixes' but nothing's bringing it back up. Anyway - what I can tell you is that its 694 x 104 pixels in size. The other thing to perhaps mention is that I'm working on a test site which currently isn't an exact copy of the eventual site but fairly close.

So the link to the test is and then you can pick up the main site from the domain name. You can also view the Logo from the main site if that helps sizing etc,

Thanks again :)
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PS - just whitelisted you so hopefully you've access now?
Hi again
Thanks again for your endless patience with my endless issues :). First, could I request your 2 or 3-alpha country code (UK, US, AU etc) to ensure access as your IP comes up quite different to others & isn't being accepted by my security software?

I've changed the logo size, but I'm now having issues with the menu system - Ideally I want my main menu as a side menu and the top menu as a normal top menu, but if I select the main menu as a Mega menu it then sits where the top menu should be.

Before I go further - I'm sort of wondering whether it might be simpler to use your starter pack & drop the content into it via the database directly perhaps? Or am I just going to spend yet more time trying to shoehorn an already created site into a starter unit?

Apologies - I'm tired (not well) & struggling to do things that used to be simpler for me to manage. I just worry that I'm going to take up weeks of your time with one issue after another because I can't figure out how best to adapt the site to the template. But certainly if I can get you past the security aspect that would help us both.

Until tomorrow - I'll carry on playing about to see if I can figure it out more. THANKS :)
Back again :). I've an issue with not being able to upload images to Quix which they say requires you to provide an updated copy since it came with the template & not from them directly? Basically when I try to upload an image all I get is a big black box. :(

Many thanks
Hi guys
Back again :). Once more looking a little bit of help. Given the size and complexity of the template, I'm stuck on the location for some items I want to change, as well as being unsure whether they're managed by the Template itself or by Quix, Unite etc

Basically all I'm after currently is how to change the depth of the Title module section where I've put the Breadcrumbs (as I couldn't find any other option for placement in that area? I just want it to be the actual depth of the text rather than having the white space above.

This site is very much still in (prob long term!) development as it's taken me months to figure out how to use Quix :) so any help I can get in figuring out these kinds of issues saves me a lot of time.

Romayne :)
Thanks guys - I've minimal idea on CSS styling but hopefully enough to go & fill in the blanks - truly appreciate the help as I know it's not your role to do so :)

Item Name:
ET Church
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 4 Product
$29.00 $23.10
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
$39.00 $31.20
Extended License

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