Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

Thank you for the suggestions. Understand that i am no amateur at this.

Here are the steps I took to get this set up:

- I started with a clean server (godaddy hosted).

- Installed Joomla from scratch without the sample data (using godaddys application installer).

-Uploaded the quickstart template as a ZIP file.

-Unzipped it to the root of the web server and allowed it to overwrite existing files.

- Opened my browser to and I get the final step in the installation process.

I know I must be missing something because this is happening exactly the same way to another server with a different template of yours.
Hello BRIANM11,
You have install the quick-start package on 'clean server', please do not install any godaddy packages.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I also bought the as002036 template. In the package there should be PSD files. These PSD files are enclosed indeed, but most images are watermarked.

Maybe it is asked before, but is it possible to remove these watermarks? Otherwise there is no use of having PSD files. The idea about PSD files is that you have the orgininal file, but now it is still not orginal and I can't use it.

Kind regards
All images, without watermark, you can find in the file.

Regards, AS Team.
How do I change link at the "Naturel beauty salon" green round big picture - at the main page, next to the smiling girl..?
Please provide us with your site URL, we will check and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
I meant the big green circle on the right from here:
it is set to link to the main page, and I need to change it to homepage.
It configured to go to the base page in the index.php file, look for companyname id under the homecontent, sorry, without to see your site we can't say you exactly where it should be changed.

Regards, AS Team.
You have just solved my problem, thx :)
What do I do to make an article split in two columns, like you have done here:
Please provide us with your site URL, we will check and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
Good day,

I'm using your stunning template know for some time. Just for now I would ike to disable the first entry page (The one with the big picture, logo and menu) and would like to go directly to the main page.

How can I do this?

You can do it by changing the 'Show home page as splash page' parameter in the General Template Configuration Parameters from 'Yes' to 'No'.

Regards, AS Team.
All images, without watermark, you can find in the file.

Regards, AS Team. "

The images in the are the sample images. You are providing PSD images, so I can edit them. But the most of the images in home.psd ARE watermarked.

submenu separator does not display , I have the div but not the text

if menu item is a link , it works, but i do not want it as a link, just a separator.
Can You please provide us with an access to your site? We have to see the problem. You can send the username and password using Contact Us page:

Regards, AS Team.
I asked this a few days ago: "What do I do to make an article split in two columns, like you have done here:

Why did you ask for my page when I gave you the address of your site where the situation I am referring to is shown? I don't have it no my www, as I wasn't able to handle the article the way you did on your quickstart template.
In case to create the same page we recommend you to install the template using quick-start installation package, you have to see the source code of the article, here is an example:

<div class="one_half_first">
<h2>March Break Stay &amp; Play</h2>
<p><img class="left" src="images/sampledata/as002036/img.specials.1.png" border="0" width="212" /> Nulla diam ligula, consectetur vitae egestas sit amet, porttitor sit amet ligula. Nam blandit volutpat eros nec bibendum. Nam quis vehicula nisl. Fusce vehicula posuere ante. Mauris nunc sapien, ullamcorper quis gravida quis, consequat sed mauris consectetur vitae egestas sit amet. Nulla diam ligula, consectetur vitae egestas sit.</p>
<div class="toggle 1">More Details</div>
<div class="toggle_content 1">Pellentesque ac massa in metus tincidunt iaculis et eget elit. Nullam nec nunc id lorem accumsan euismod. Vestibulum congue euismod erat, vel tempus justo scelerisque et. Aenean pellentesque eros at augue iaculis at porta magna vestibulum. Vestibulum vehicula purus ut massa porttitor id ultricies velit vestibulum. Duis diam mauris, laoreet sit amet vestibulum sed, fermentum ut metus.<br /><br /> Curabitur sed quam erat, sed aliquet ipsum. Donec nibh quam, auctor vel vehicula in, malesuada sed ante. Phasellus imperdiet ante vel est eleifend id congue orci commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ut bibendum mauris.</div>
<div class="product-separator"> </div>
<h2>Purchase 5 Get 6th for Free</h2>
<p><img class="left" src="images/sampledata/as002036/img.specials.2.png" border="0" width="212" /> Nulla diam ligula, consectetur vitae egestas sit amet, porttitor sit amet ligula. Nam blandit volutpat eros nec bibendum. Nam quis vehicula nisl. Fusce vehicula posuere ante. Mauris nunc sapien, ullamcorper quis gravida quis, consequat sed mauris consectetur vitae egestas sit amet. Nulla diam ligula, consectetur vitae egestas sit.</p>
<div class="toggle 2">More Details</div>
<div class="toggle_content 2">Pellentesque ac massa in metus tincidunt iaculis et eget elit. Nullam nec nunc id lorem accumsan euismod. Vestibulum congue euismod erat, vel tempus justo scelerisque et. Aenean pellentesque eros at augue iaculis at porta magna vestibulum. Vestibulum vehicula purus ut massa porttitor id ultricies velit vestibulum. Duis diam mauris, laoreet sit amet vestibulum sed, fermentum ut metus.<br /><br /> Curabitur sed quam erat, sed aliquet ipsum. Donec nibh quam, auctor vel vehicula in, malesuada sed ante. Phasellus imperdiet ante vel est eleifend id congue orci commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ut bibendum mauris.</div>
<div class="one_half_last">
<h2>10th Anniversary</h2>
<p><img class="right" src="images/sampledata/as002036/img.anniversary.png" border="0" width="230" /> These days we're celebrating our 10th Anniversary and want to thank you for choosing our Spa as your destination for health, wellness, beauty and balance. <br /><br /> Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae Curabitur nec mi vitae turpis feugiat lacinia quis at felis. Nulla diam ligula, consectetur vitae egestas sit amet, porttitor sit amet ligula. Pellentesque non odio neque, sed commodo lectus. Nam blandit volutpat eros nec bibendum. Nam quis vehicula nisl.<br /><br /> Nulla diam ligula, consectetur vitae egestas sit amet, porttitor sit amet ligula. Nam blandit volutpat eros nec bibendum. Nam quis vehicula nisl.<br /><br /><br /></p>
<blockquote>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed aliquam justo neque. Maecenas blandit luctus rhoncus. Sed consectetur iaculis purus tempus pulvinar. Nullam consequat imperdiet fringilla. Vestibulum gravida elit in dui rutrum placerat. Vivamus vitae fermentum tortor. Etiam lacinia sodales velit, in convallis nunc. Nulla diam ligula, consectetur vitae egestas sit amet, porttitor sit amet.</blockquote>

Regards, AS Team.

i did it this morning.
the "notify me when a comment is posted never worked"
In which menu do you have the separator?

Regards, AS Team.
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