Joomla! Template 002060 - Item Support

We are sorry, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
hi guys. please i need help.
i`ve just received a message from my hosting provider, and my site has desactivated.

here is the message:

Notice of DOMAIN hosted on your service used for FRAUD/PHISHING:
Full URL:
Target of Attack:Gmail
Abuse Detected: 6/2/2014

Based on our investigation, the website is reported unauthorized and
unrelated to Google or any of its
products or services, and likely constitutes an unauthorized attempt
to collect Google user credentials.

In order to protect users from being misled or victimized, we request
that you remove the domain from the DNS and lock it against future
changes by the perpetrators.

what can i do??

We are sorry, we can't help you in this case, you have to resolve this issue with your hosting provider.

Regards, AS Team.
Bug report for template nr. 219-002060 (Beauty Salon):
After installing your quickpack + the German language + JCE on a new server, I have immediately a problem:

I can not change the logo at the top of the template (under Logo configuration parameters). I am still able to do it in the test version but not in full version. I reinstalled Joomla completely on a new server but to no avail. I cant even select an image, I have to manually write the path under Logo Url but it wont show. Under the eye you cant see the preview. I have the same problem with articles when I want to change the picture under images/links.
As I said, on the test version of your template on a different server it all works fine with tons of extensions installed including JCE. Any idea?

I wonder if I can install the full version of the template over the testversion without loosing my modifications?

Hello FFMER32,
What is your site url please? Can you please provide us with an access info to your Joomla admin panel for checking this issue? The info please put in the special info area under your purchased items section of your AS account.
Do you like to install quick-start package over your test version? If so, it is impossible, you can install template only.

Regards, AS Team.

regarding the image bug:

Ich used a pure Joomla installation + AS template and all is fine. (either one of the extensions doesnt work or there is a bug in the quickstart packet)
Hello FFMER32,
As we asked you in the previous post we have to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Hell Team of AS Templates,

how can i arrange it that the as-position-3 comes just on the right side of the logo?
My logo is only small and i want to use the free space to place the logo left and use the free space on the right side of it for a Sponsor banner that is loaded in AS-position-3
I changed the index.php :

********* code fraction **************


<div id="logo" class="span<?php echo $this->params->get('logo_size'); ?>">
<?php if($logo_type): ?>
<a href="<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>">
<img src="<?php echo $logo_img;?>" alt="<?php echo $sitename; ?>" />
<?php if ($this->countModules('as-position-3')): ?>
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="as-position-3" style="themeHtml5" />
<?php endif; ?>
<span class="slogan">
<?php // echo $slogan_txt; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="logo">
<a href="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>"><?php echo $logo_txt; ?></a>
<span class="slogan">
<?php echo $slogan_txt; ?>
<?php endif; ?>


<?php if ($this->countModules('as-position-1')): ?>
<div id="navigation-row">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">


and also changed the css for the logo-id from centered to left.
But how can i get logo and as-position-3 aligned horizontally?

Maybe some hints for me DAU?
Hello RUDOLFO1967,
You can just put it in position 3 and specify the bootstrap size under advanced parameters.

Regards, AS Team.
Help me:
JInstaller: :Install: File does not exist /var/www/vhosts/
Thank you for noticing about this issue, it was fixed, you can download the latest version from your AS account and reinstall the extension.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Regards, AS Team.
Do you have any Documentation showing the Module Positions for this template?
You can find it here:

Regards, AS Team.

the previous issue I resolved by installing Joomla and AS template separetely.

Now I like to change the content standard design (font, background colour, etc.) with the design of module position 6. In other words, every featured article should appear on a design like the one for positon 6. It is much lighter and easier to read instead of the dark brown standard design for the main content.

Where could I change that?

Thanks, Jurgen
Hello FFMER32,
You can do it by editing css files or creating your own css and uploading it in the style.custom.css file, or you can ask for our customization services.

Regards, AS Team.

how did you manage to get the preview pictures of newsflash - position 6 to overlap the above module (slider) as shown in your test template?

I copied each setting from the test module newsflash into mine but the picture stays under the slider.

Hello FFMER32,
What is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.

The picture is big to see if it will overlap the slider which it still does not.

By the way, is there a document explaining all the module class suffices for newsflash module ? or for mod_AS_menu ?

Hello FFMER32,
You have to use 'home-page' as optional Page css class in your home menu item under Page Display options.

Regards, AS Team.

regarding changing the CSS sheet. Can you tell me which CSS sheet I need to change to have a different background and font colour for the main content? and maybe even the line containing the information?

It is really just the colour of font and background I need to change.


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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
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