Joomla! Template 002062 - Item Support

Hello AS Team,

I got it!
I have to set "100%" in the module field for the width.
I did not try it, because the definition is "width (px)"

Regards, Klaus

can I use the “Main Menu - Gallery” in as002062 just for to view pictures only, not for articles, but also with the sort menu (all – guys – girls – studio).
Where I can find the setup – Phoca Gallery is in use only for “Recent Works”.

Thank you,
Good Morning,

I found the settings for the Gallery!
Sorry - next time I will try a bit longer ;-)

Hello to AS Team,
what I have to do, that I can get a contact form, same like in the AS Demo?
At the moment I just get an Address and the Map (Google API Key is installed). But I not find the settings for the definitions of the Contact-Form.
AS Demo:!AvcYvhxpMrU6g13L2pZlrk5amTgG
My Side:!AvcYvhxpMrU6g16Y1pewEOaVTtqd
Please can you help me?
If it will be helpful I can open the page online for you. But that moment it is just an test-environment.
Thanks, Klaus
Hello STOKLA61,
What is your website url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
yes, I used the quick install incl. the demo files.
my url is :
I have created a support login, if you want to look in the backend.
The login info I put in my Special info area in my AS account.
Thanks, Klaus
Hello STOKLA61,
Please check your website, it is OK now.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,
wow, I see. What was my mistake?
Thank you!!!
Hi there, I have been using the AS002062 template for a couple years now but cannot figure out how to make the AS Artslider to be Full Screen? Would I have to add a css mod? (if so can you please explain?) I would really love to be able to make the slider go full screen but need advise bc I cannot see any readily available settings for this to happen. my site is

Thanks - Jeff
Good afternoon AS Templates, i bought the regular version of this template, and when i extract the quickstart from the zip file into my server, on installation step one, the browser throws me this error:

installation.js:21 Uncaught TypeError: Joomla.loadingLayer is not a function
at pageInit (installation.js:21)
at initialize (installation.js:360)
at new Installation (installation.js:362)
at index.php:44
index.php:246 Uncaught ReferenceError: Install is not defined
at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick (index.php:246)

Are you trying to unzip it on your live server or localhost? What id s your server configurations?

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for your attention.
I was trying in my live server, I actually maded the installation trought my mobile phone. It is a Linux x86_64 server running PHP 5.6.29, Apache 2.2.31 and MySQL 5.6.32-78.1.

Now I need that the picture in the "home gallery" category , in the "home style 2", pointing for the same article that a picture in the gallery page is pointing too, at the category "sexy girls". How can I do this?

Thank you in advance.

Have you able to install this template using quick-start installation package?
Sorry, the slider doesn't have an option to point picture to an article, it can be done using 'Read More' button only.

Regards, AS Team.
ok, guess I will have to buy some other slider template to get the full screen option, since the AS Slider seems not to be able to do it....
Hello JEFF3X14,
The slider section in the template doesn't have an option to show sliders in full screen mode, this option should be developed, if you interested you may ask for our services here:

Regards, AS Team.
hmmm, interesting bc when I bought the template it came with AS Responsive ArtSlider, and your demo shows it Full screen, but you are saying for this option it needs to be customized by outside source?

I will have a look at the service section, thanks.
Hello JEFF3X14,
Yes exactly, but the template is not designed for the full screen slider as you can see it on the demo preview page:

Regards, AS Team.
OK, the slider can be full screen- but only with a full screen template- which currently I dont have I guess, but I see there are several full screen J templates on AS so that would be the option to get a new web template- but then all my external back links in will get broken too I suppose...
Hello JEFF3X14,
Yes, you can purchase any of such templates and config it accordingly to your needs,

Regards, AS Team.
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