Joomla Extension ASNivo Slider - Item Support

Hi, i just downloaded the As Niver image slider and installed it. But after publishing it on the as002028 template, inserting the caption heading and the image links i get a blank display with only the caption heading showing. is there anything i havent done right? thanks
Hello KNOXEE611,
Everything should work fine, please check the slider settings.

Regards, AS Team.
Checked the slider settings...i realised that the images in the template sample are in .png format. when i changed my slider images to .png everything worked fine. but i still have one more problem, the default image on template as002028 keeps appearing on the other menu pages even how do i remove it?
Hello KNOXEE611,
Sorry, you can't remove it in free version, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
I wasnt talking about the default Template logo image. i was reffering to the default image slider on the template. it keeps appearing on other menu pages and i want remove it. Thanks.
Item Name:
ASNivo Slider
Item Version:

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