Joomla! Template 002084 - Checkout

The price for the item 002084 is $34.00
The item may be used for a single domain only.

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Joomla and WordPress Templates

About Joomla! Template 002084

Electro Lux is a ready-made electronic store VirtueMart template with a pixel perfect design, tailored for starting or redesigning any type of electronics, software, sport, tools, and music online stores. Its tile-based design with a full-width stunning slider in the top and large featured blocks in the content part is a great tool for grabbing the users' attention. All items are wisely arranged into grids and go with a short description and price notification for the ease of choice. Intuitive navigation and site wide search provide for a more pleasant shopping experience and offer to come back for more. This user-friendly template is the perfect solution for electronic eshops.

We are glad to present you the following Joomla! VirtueMart Template for Electronic Shops that you are welcome to use as the ready-made solution for your web presence.