Joomla! Template 002046 - Item Support

You are welcome. In any case, thank you very much.
I'm new to Joomla and trying to understand. Can you please tell me how to change the LAWPOINT logo on the main home page and replace it with mine. I have looked and looked and can't seem to replace that logo.

I also want to change the text on the three main pictures on the home page. How can we make those changes or erase the text all together. Thanks.
1. The logo you can change using the Template Parameters -> Logo Configuration Parameters -> Logo Image.
2. Do you mean text in the Slider? Can you please provide us with your site URL? We will check and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
When installing the quickstart im getting an error saying the xml file was not uploaded. Am i doing something wrong.

Hello 4KTOBIN200,
Our suggestion is check template documentation:

you can't install the quick-start package via Joomla admin panel.

Regards, AS Team.
I am interested in buying this template. Please let me know, is it possible to shrink (reduce size of every element on site) this site a little. I checked in chrome and if I shrink it to 80% (every element) it looks much nicer.
We are sorry, this template doesn't have such option, but you can do it by editing css files.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Templates Team,
is this template compatible with Joomla 2.5?

Thanks in Advance

No, only with Joomla 3+

Regards, AS Team.
hello astemplate team

the headboard is there where the logo is smaller than the menu area and all other areas. How can I change it? Here the page
Thank you.
hello astemplate team

in the demo page under the slider are 4 Cases areas, knwoledge, ... how can I do that?

Thank you
We kindly recommend you to install this template using the quick-start installation package, after installing the package you will need just to replace the text or use installed modules for your future projects as a demo preview.

For example, in case to make your menu smaller, so it will looks exact like on our demo preview, you need to put bootstrap size to 12 in the Menu and Slider Module Manager -> Advanced Options.
After installing the template using the quick-start package you will not need to config all these parameters.

Or you can check the template documentation for manual modules configuration:

Regards, AS Team.

OK, Thank You!
Please... I can't change logo, I upload a new image for logo but not change

Please provide us with your site url and path to the image, we have to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,

first of all I say big THX for your nice template. It is very nice!

Perhaps you can help me, because I have two questions:

Is it possible to change the font size of the heading title in the modules 11 and 16 (I mean the side modules with the grey blocks). I tried to change the size in the options of the template. But if I set the font size for H2 in the template options, any other heading titles, that use H2 will change propably. Only modules 11, 16 doesn´t change the font size.

I create a second contact and linked to this contact in my menus. I only want to show the contact form, but without showing the google map plugin. The google map plugin should only be shown at my main contact.

Please tell me a solution, if possible.

Nice Eastern

1. The font size in the side columns you can change by editing the tmpl.default.css file, please look for the following selector and change font-size property (it should be on line 1810):

#aside-row-2-left h2,
#aside-row-2-right h2
font-size: 32px;
background-image: url('../images/bg.heading.jpg');
background-position: left top;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0;
padding: 0 25px;
text-transform: none;
padding-bottom: 0;
line-height: 55px;

2. Can you please provide us with an access to your Joomla panel, we will check if it is possible.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

perfect solution! Many thanks to you for the fast answer. How can I give you an access to my joomla panel? Should I write you an email with the name an password to my panel?

Please give me a sign...

Best regards, Mirelle
Please put it in the 'Special Info' field under your Purchased Items section:

Regards, AS Team.
My Url is my site is comming.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
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