Joomla! Template 002054 - Item Support

Hi, i am having a problem as the template loses its gradient header background when used in firefox or internet exploer. site is can you give me a hand please? thanx
For checking this issue we need an access to your Joomla admin panel, the info please put in the Special info area under your purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
ok. everythins is there for you.
By some reason Joomla doesn't see the gradient color in styles.php file, we moved it in style.custom.css file, now everything is working fine, please check.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you very much for the fastest support and sollution! Keep up the good work!
Best Regards, Dimitris

Please help me - I am customizing this template to suit my needs in a different industry. In the home page you have Life Insurance, Home Insurance and so on. I want to remove the picture above this module. So for Life insurance i want to take out the picture of the heart above the heading Life Insurance.
In your case you have to remove the background image from the heading,
see tmpl.default.css file starting from the line 1739, and put it in your article.

#featured-row .service_1 h3,
#featured-row .service_1 h4
background-image: url("../images/ico.featured.1.png");
background-position: right top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you.

Another question: I want to change the colour Scheme of the Black Heading section where the logo is. How do I do that?
What is your site url please? We will check it and let you know.
You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Mozilla or Opera Fireblug plugin:

Regards, AS Team.

I am setting it up on an offline base before moving it to the public HTML folder root.
In this case please use Firebug as we suggested in our previous post.

Regards, AS Team.

I am very new to CSS coding but this is what i have found:

#header-row .wrapper


background-image: url('../images/styles/default/bg.header.shadow.png');

background-position: center top;

background-repeat: no-repeat;


I found the shadow.png picture however it is transparent. Tried removing this section of code but still not helping. This section is where the logo which is a cream colour. I need to remove the black background of this area but I am still finding this difficult. Please can you assist me. I have tried to firebug module which allowed me to find the section - problem is I am still not sure if this is the correct section which I am should be looking at. Please help.
This part you can change using the template header configuration parameters: Header Gradient Top Color and Header Gradient Bottom Color.

Regards, AS Team.
THe "find protection ..." section which is suposed to be in position 7 cannot be found under the modules? Please can you tell me where else I can check??
This is a Featured article, you can find it under category Home, the article name is: Company Slogan - Title

Regards, AS Team.
I tried to rebuild the entire site as your demo, but I can not find instructions for configuring the artslider and bar -Show All Auto Home Life Business Travel Health Boat Other - in page Insurance. where can I find instructions... in your sito the link on: Main Column Configuration parameters:
AS Art Slider
AS Responsive Menu
Google map
plugin Acymailing Component
are in No pages here as you see!404 error - not found. I'm waiting your help thanks
What is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package? Can you please provide us with URLs for the broken pages (error 404)?

Regards, AS Team.
my url is
No I didn't used quick start installation where can I find it and How do it?
your broken page are here for premium version but I don't think this is the problem! May be I reinstall with your quik install ?
The quick-start package you can find in the downloaded zip file. For more info please see the template documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
sorry for my mistake. I having installed with separately. I have not had a chance to load the sample data template. I installed with quick-start package is perfect. I need to install other files or is that all? Unfortunately in your installation of joomla template, Hathor administrator template,is not there. I find much more practical, how do I install it? thanks
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