Joomla! Template 002062 - Item Support

Hi @all,

i have set the settings to 3 rows, but i think the template is to thin to show 3 rows, look here:

Because i dont want to change the dimensions of the template or something else, i want to make the images a little bit smaler.

Can you tell me, where i can change the size of the shown images?

Thank you
Unfortunately it is impossible in your case to set it to 3 columns, the total bootstrap page size is 12 columns, the left column is set to 4 columns, the main content area is set to 8 columns, as you understand it can't be divided by 3.

Regards, AS Team.
we've already clarified. see above. so why not just ask my answer??
Hello RANCO12R,
For the template 002061 please use the following support page:

Regards, AS Team.

I have buyed and installed your template 002062. But there are one little problem during the manuel temlate installation:

JInstaller: :Install: Die Datei '/var/www/vhosts/' existiert nicht.

What is the problem?

i have download it one more time, the same problem
Hello RANCO12R,

Sorry, but you in wrong support page.

Please use the following support page:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, how do I download the premium template on the secure shell -connection? For some reason I cannot get the ftp working
Hi, I managed to transfer the package via ftp, but it only installed the Joomla, not the template and the demo materials. The template does not show in the template list, but in installing the template it says that the template already exists... What went wrong?
Is it anyhow possible to install the template and the demo content after installing Joomla? Installing Joomla by itself is easy and simple, but using the combination of Joomla and as-template always appears to be extremely difficult for me - even I have used several of your temlates.
Hello again,
where do I find the I decided to installa Joomla on it's own and then install the template.
what module and in which position are the frontpage pictures?
Hi, how do I get the phoca gallery module to show the picture, not just the thumbnail?
Our suggestion is to install it using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.

The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, please carefully read the template documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi @all,

i have a question about the Article Newsflash Module. At the moment, i must move the mousepointer over the title or the text, to be able to open the article.
So is it possible, to make the whole image clickable?

Regards, Marco
Sorry, there is no such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, As Team and thak you for your reply.

I have no t managed to install the quickstart package via ftp but I will try it again. Meanwhile, could you kindly answer these questions:
What component and module are the frontpage pictures in position 5 ?
I used a phoca gallery module in position 5 but it only showed the thumnails and did not look the same at all.

If the quick-start package is the template documentation, how do I interpret it and change the pictures in the frontpage module in postition 5? That module is the reason why I purchased the template and I need to get it working as quickly as possible, so please help me!

- Susanna
It is Articles Newsflash Advanced module, more info you can find here:

The quick-start package installation will save days of your time.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi Team and thank you for the support so far!

No I have created a Phoca Gallery menu Cool Iris 3D Wall but it doesn't show any photos but says COM_PHOCAGALLERY_CATEGORY was not selected in parameters

Where do I set these parametres fo Cool Iris 3D

- Susanna
Hi again!
I've selected a category of pictures on the menu item Cool Iris category - now there is a heading of the category and room for the pictures on the site - but still no pictures. What am I missing?

- Susanna
And one more thing for today: we tried to enlarge the slogan on template logo configuration but it had no affect on the slogan - how should it*s size be changed?

- Susanna
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