Joomla! Template 002073 - Item Support

Thx I did.
Also I have VTEM Weather module which is not active know because if I active that, the slider not working any more.
I contact to provider and the check the site and said slider have some issue and I should contact with you. I don't know is them right or not. If not please give me a reason to convince them because that module is not free and I can ask them for more support.
Thanks a lot
We think there is some jQuery conflict, we are sorry, our support team can't help you in this case, because we are not supporting third-party extensions, but you can ask for our services using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
hi, during the installation of the sample data of the quick start locks, use xamp what can I do ?? thank you
It means you have some misconfiguration on your local server, try to install it on live server.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I tried to set two modules in position 30 and 31 of this template, but the modules never show side by side in two or three columns but instead they're always shown in rows, no matter what type of modules i put there. See:

It seems you did not set module bootstrap size under advanced option, the max size is 12 columns, if you would like to have 3 columns the size should be set to 4 for each module.

Regards, AS Team.

How can i put the pictures in the menu buttons, just like in the demo
What is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.

I just start a new one. some problems with the freesite......

When i try to install the as002073_quickstart in joomla i get the next message >

JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file

what do i get more with the quickstart?
The quick-start package should be installed like regular Joomla installation package, please carefully read the template documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
Pre Sale Question:

Can the height and background colour of Module position 31 be decreased.
Is the Module News (HHome Top Articles- position 6) in the package.

The height of position 31 is depends on the content published in this position, without to see your site we can't help you. Yes, all used extensions are included in the premium version.

Regards, AS Team.
After the purchase, how do I upgrade the free version to paid one.
The site is running and has a lot of data.
You have just to install the premium template version and make it as default.

Regards, AS Team.
the site where the free version installed is
How can I edit Home Top Articles if i want to:
- show two rows with three articles in each row
- modify the colors (add three more colors).
We are sorry, not quite understand the problem, can you please be more specific? What is your site url please, where we can see this articles, in which position you would like to use another colors?

Regards, AS Team.
ok, I´m sorry...
Template as002073, position-6, Module Articles - Newsflash (Advanced) displays three items. I want to get six items in two rows and three columns.
look at
Here I have the module two times on the same position with two separate categories, each catagory has three articles assigned to it. Basically it works, but I would like to:

- modifiy the colors in one of these rows (increase the count of the CSS-class item_num0 up to item_num3, item_num4 and item_num5)

- get rid of the distance on the left in the second row

if possible without digging through php sourcecode... ;)

I assume that I have to make modifications in the according php-snippet which generates the Newsflash.

Also it would be fine if it would be possible to use the module only once and display six elements as I need it (as the standard joomla blog layout does).
I hope that it is clear for you what I mean...
All your questions are related to the customization, the template is designed to have 1 row with maximum 3 columns like you can see on our demo preview page, for any customization requests please use the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Uh, what happened with the phone numer on the top left corner? I only changed the numbers.... ???
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