Joomla! Template 002104 - Item Support

What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
Something else: If I use userlogin to edit articles, the menu always appears above the tiny mc editor, which is okay. But something is wrong with the logo. I changed the logo of the template and if I edit articles the logo is always on one and the same position (in the left corner of my screen) just in front of my text, or in front of the editor icons ... how can I change this?
For checking this issue we need an access to your Joomla admin panel, the access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
my website is
Please see '/templates/as002104/css/tmpl.default.css' file the following class, line 54:

#wrapper {
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;
background-image: url(../images/body.wrapper.png);
background-position: top center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry, this is just as it is in my css file, do I have to change something? If I do not want to have those dots, what should I change? Can you help me?
You have to remove the background image from the css class or you can replace it with yours.

Regards, AS Team.
okay thanks for your support.
If we login in frontend and edit articles, we cannot save them.
e.g. we want to edit article "weitere Fremdsprachen" (Angebot > Fremdsprachen). If we click on the save button, the default message "Möchten Sie die Website verlassen? Die von Ihnen vorgenommenen Änderungen werden möglicherweise nicht gespeichert." appears
(Do you want to exit website? The changes you made will probobly not be saved.) And you can only choose between the buttons "exit" or "cancel". How is it possible to work in frontend??? We need this feature.
Additionally our logo appears in the middle of the screen in editor view, just in front of the text or the editor bar.
Please help.
What page are you using to login in your front end?

Regards, AS Team.
The same as before ( as shown in my support area.
Sorry, we do not see the login module on your home page, how we can login your front end?

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry, but we have hidden in in the footer, in the social menue right beside google and facebook, called "login".

The 'Frühes Fremsprachenlernen' is blocked for editing in your Joomla admin panel, we did try to make changes in 'Englisch', it worked just fine.

We have to check the issue with logo, it seems there is some bug, it will take us few days to fix the issue, will let you know when it will be done.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi guys, i'm buy this template and i cold not put a title on the module that exist articles Toddlers, Preschool and Babies on botton. Thank you and I hope answers.
Sorry, not quite understand the problem, can you please provide us with more info? What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
I have looked up and unlocked "Frühes Fremdsprachenlernen" ... the user can still not edit the article, also "English" and other articles cannot be edited - they can write, but are not able to save the changes. I have already deleted the user and made a new user, it worked one time and then it didn't work again. I have no idea why it is not working. I am working in backend, but we also need to edit in frontend. Please help.
I found out something new about editing in frontend: if I edit the article and close the editor (tiny mce) I can save the changes. If I turn the editor on again, I cannot save the changes.
Hi, thanks for feedback.

I will try be more specific, this no really a truly problem in template, we're probably can not do it.

On the botton of the template exist 3 articles.
Toddlers, Preschool and Babies.

We found the 3 articles but not the module that calls those articles. we removed all the modules to test but the 3 articles continues on the page.
Which module controls this session? Or not exist a module to this session?
How can we add a title to this session?
It is not a module, these articles are part of home page content with menu item type 'Category Articles', articles you can find under 'Home Programs' category.

Regards, AS Team.
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