Joomla! Template Vine PT - Item Support

is there anywhere another ModulPositions Overwiev available than that on the demo site ? which modules positions are that ones direkt on the bottom of the site like ( Gallery on the go) etc.

thank you and by the way fantastic template .....

thank your for your fast reply thats are not the positions i am searching for ... not important at this moment ...

i have another problem:

i changed the container background colour - now i installed a phoca guest book - my problem is, that the text is not readable at this time - where in the css can i change the color of the "entrys" in the guest book ....

maybe you could take a look

i already tried the phocaguestbook css ... .but now result ...


thank you ... i found the mistake already ....

very good support ....

if i disable the main content in the template options - is there an referring module position so that i can place a module there or where in which file can i redefine the size of "left" that modules on the left will use this place ?



just seen that you made massive changes on the template - very confusing now!

how do i activate the Blog Page Left Layout ?
Item Name:
Vine PT
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product

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