I just downloaded this licensed version and got this error when i tried to upload through extension manager in joomla...
JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file
look forward to your reply..
POSTED: 2012-06-20
all fixed...thanks
POSTED: 2012-06-21
Hello i have purchased the license to this template. thankyou. Does AS slider come with this download? how do i access this?
also could you tell me what font you used for your company logo on this template?
AS Templates
POSTED: 2012-06-21
Thank You for choosing our templates.
Yes, the template comes with the slider, it can be found in the extension folder, please see the following article for more info:
The fonts of the company logo you can find in the psd.zip file.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2012-06-22
Also what is the colour code of the green ribbon?
thanks again!
AS Templates
POSTED: 2012-06-22
It is from #87a625 to #bbcc3e, please use the psd file for the any fonts used in the template, or please see the template configuration parameters:
In the slider Configuration Parameters, for the 'Use background image' parameter please select the 'bg.png' file from the medial library: 'images/sampledata/as002038/slider'.
Please see the slider settings on the following page:
In the Joomla admin panel please go to the Components->Contacts, open you contact, in the Contact Manager: Contact, on the right side please find Contact Details.
Please see the following article for more info:
Get an access to all 94 items designed and developed by AS Designing team plus all the future items
which will be released over the course of your club subscription.
Price starting from $59.00
I just downloaded this licensed version and got this error when i tried to upload through extension manager in joomla...
JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file
look forward to your reply..
also could you tell me what font you used for your company logo on this template?
Thank You for choosing our templates.
Yes, the template comes with the slider, it can be found in the extension folder, please see the following article for more info:
The fonts of the company logo you can find in the psd.zip file.
Regards, AS Team.
thanks again!
It is from #87a625 to #bbcc3e, please use the psd file for the any fonts used in the template, or please see the template configuration parameters:
Regards, AS Team.
How to add a shadow box to the as slider?
In the slider Configuration Parameters, for the 'Use background image' parameter please select the 'bg.png' file from the medial library: 'images/sampledata/as002038/slider'.
Please see the slider settings on the following page:
Regards, AS Team.
In the Joomla admin panel please go to the Components->Contacts, open you contact, in the Contact Manager: Contact, on the right side please find Contact Details.
Please see the following article for more info:
Regards, AS Team.