when I put in each of modulplaces 50 51 52 53 an modul and set them in the status "free", the modul in the place 51 will not been shown. If I set the status for modulspace 50 to "not free" the Modul in the modulspace 51 is shown. What is going wrong ?!? How can I show 4 modules in this line?
I've looked in the index.php and their is something different programmed for the space 51, but my knowlege is not good enough to solve this problem ;-)
Can yuo help me, please?
Regards, Gunther
ps: sorry for my bad English ;-)
AS Templates
POSTED: 2012-11-12
In the Template Parameters -> Footer Configuration Parameters -> Footer Row 2 Custom Modules change the 'Extend Column 1 to 2' parameter from 'all pages' to 'not extend'.
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when I put in each of modulplaces 50 51 52 53 an modul and set them in the status "free", the modul in the place 51 will not been shown. If I set the status for modulspace 50 to "not free" the Modul in the modulspace 51 is shown. What is going wrong ?!? How can I show 4 modules in this line?
I've looked in the index.php and their is something different programmed for the space 51, but my knowlege is not good enough to solve this problem ;-)
Can yuo help me, please?
Regards, Gunther
ps: sorry for my bad English ;-)
In the Template Parameters -> Footer Configuration Parameters -> Footer Row 2 Custom Modules change the 'Extend Column 1 to 2' parameter from 'all pages' to 'not extend'.
Regards, AS Team.