I have a problem with zoo in the template. http://www.autowassen-bestellen.nl/index.php/test-2/item/tes-2. The rating does not work (i can not see the forum of yootheme for a solution).
Or i want to use K2, but the k2 css from the ecotech template is terrible.
POSTED: 2012-10-03
We are in the process of updating this template to have customized k2 css.
Thank you for your patience
Kind Regards
POSTED: 2012-10-03
Ok thanks! One point, you can not see the stars by rating of a k2 article.
POSTED: 2012-10-17
When i use the updated version:
Released an update for the eCoTech premium Joomla! template.
The update fix k2 article rating stars.
The rating stars don't work. See: http://www.autowassen-bestellen.nl/index.php/k2-blog/single-item
POSTED: 2012-10-17
This problem has been fixed. You may download and install the updated version of the template.
Get an access to all 12 items designed and developed by Nexus Nova team plus all the future items
which will be released over the course of your club subscription.
Price starting from $59.00
Or i want to use K2, but the k2 css from the ecotech template is terrible.
We are in the process of updating this template to have customized k2 css.
Thank you for your patience
Kind Regards
Released an update for the eCoTech premium Joomla! template.
The update fix k2 article rating stars.
The rating stars don't work. See: http://www.autowassen-bestellen.nl/index.php/k2-blog/single-item
This problem has been fixed. You may download and install the updated version of the template.
Thank you
Kind Regards