When open site in IE the rounder corners and shadow effects are lost. They are there when the same site is opened in chrome.
For newsflash module in position 6 - is there a way of changing the heading font size ie the heading that appears in the grey area?
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-09-15
Hello LAWYER1,
1. The template is based on HTML5 elements, the old browsers re not supporting HTML5.
2. What is your site url? We have to see it in case to help you.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2013-09-15
Im using IE 10.. Im using Xampp on a local drive. The site demo from your web site looks fine, but not when its loaded from localhost.. All ok with firefox and chrome
Site not yet live
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-09-16
Hello LAWYER1,
We checked it one more time, works just fine.
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When open site in IE the rounder corners and shadow effects are lost. They are there when the same site is opened in chrome.
For newsflash module in position 6 - is there a way of changing the heading font size ie the heading that appears in the grey area?
1. The template is based on HTML5 elements, the old browsers re not supporting HTML5.
2. What is your site url? We have to see it in case to help you.
Regards, AS Team.
Im using IE 10.. Im using Xampp on a local drive. The site demo from your web site looks fine, but not when its loaded from localhost.. All ok with firefox and chrome
Site not yet live
We checked it one more time, works just fine.
Regards, AS Team.