Hello i just bought this template but how i download? i just received the email confirmation and invoice from paypal, but nothing from you.
I will apreciate your help.
POSTED: 2013-10-19
hello i just download, thyanks, but i select the logo and appears the same, the template options dont change the logo. There is a specific image format or size? thanks
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-10-19
Just checked your site, we see you was able to upload your logo, if you still have same problems please let us know.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2013-10-20
how i change images on art slider?
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-10-21
You have to change your articles intro images.
The extension allows you to display article's intro image with the article title and intro text.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2013-10-21
Hello thanks for your answer, i have two more question please:
1. how i eliminate the module where the logo resides i want to use my own banner, please chek my site www.glaff.co and you seee what i want
2. How i decrease the module´s as menu height, i want less hight.
Thanks a lot
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-10-22
1. There is no such option, it should be done by our developers, or you can re size your logo so it will fit to the site width.
2. To change the menu height you have to edit the following class in http://www.glaff.co/modules/mod_as_menu/css/ext.default.css file
Get an access to all 94 items designed and developed by AS Designing team plus all the future items
which will be released over the course of your club subscription.
Price starting from $59.00
I will apreciate your help.
Just checked your site, we see you was able to upload your logo, if you still have same problems please let us know.
Regards, AS Team.
how i change images on art slider?
You have to change your articles intro images.
The extension allows you to display article's intro image with the article title and intro text.
Regards, AS Team.
1. how i eliminate the module where the logo resides i want to use my own banner, please chek my site www.glaff.co and you seee what i want
2. How i decrease the module´s as menu height, i want less hight.
Thanks a lot
1. There is no such option, it should be done by our developers, or you can re size your logo so it will fit to the site width.
2. To change the menu height you have to edit the following class in http://www.glaff.co/modules/mod_as_menu/css/ext.default.css file
#as-menu ul.as-menu > li > a,
#as-menu ul.as-menu > li > span
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
color: #464646;
display: block;
font-family: 'BenchNine',sans-serif;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: 400;
height: 20px;
line-height: 20px;
padding: 27px 1em;
text-transform: uppercase;
Regards, AS Team.