Joomla! Template 002054 - Item Support

I tried to rebuild the entire site as your demo, but I can not find instructions for configuring the artslider and bar -Show All Auto Home Life Business Travel Health Boat Other - in page Insurance. where can I find instructions... in your sito the link on: Main Column Configuration parameters:
AS Art Slider
AS Responsive Menu
Google map
plugin Acymailing Component
are in No pages here as you see!404 error - not found. I'm waiting your help thanks
What is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package? Can you please provide us with URLs for the broken pages (error 404)?

Regards, AS Team.
my url is
No I didn't used quick start installation where can I find it and How do it?
your broken page are here for premium version but I don't think this is the problem! May be I reinstall with your quik install ?
The quick-start package you can find in the downloaded zip file. For more info please see the template documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
sorry for my mistake. I having installed with separately. I have not had a chance to load the sample data template. I installed with quick-start package is perfect. I need to install other files or is that all? Unfortunately in your installation of joomla template, Hathor administrator template,is not there. I find much more practical, how do I install it? thanks
In case to have all features and templates you have to install sample data, without the sample data it will not looks like our demo preview.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks, All is right, now just one problem. I see Your template use Isis administrator template, I need to use the Hathor, I see that in your installation there is the folder hathor but if I try to install it there is the following mistake:

Extension Install: Another template is already using the named directory: C:\xampp\htdocs\......\administrator/templates/hathor. Are you trying to install the same extension again?
plase How can I save this problem thanks a lot.
Are you using in all your template just the isis? thanks
My problem is the Admin template, may I install the Hath or/and other similar template and how do it? thanks I think there is a protection to prevent it? Could you help me ? Thanks
Yes you can, any other template should be installed via Joomla Extension Manager.

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry but I think there is a problem. In your quick start there is a dir ...administrator/templates/isis with all file and the same ...administrator/templates/hathor with all its files.
The mistache is that Hator administrators template is not installed and is not possible to check and select it to use it as template administrator
I tried to reinstall it but it is impossible please could you tell me how I have to do it. Usually all template for joomla have ISIS and Hathor administrators template installed Thanks I'll wait your answer thanks a lot
In your Joomla admin panel please go to Extensions -> Extension Manager -> Discover page, click on Discover button and install the Hathor administrators template.

Regards, AS Team.
thanks a lot, now all is perfect, thanks. I didn't know this process bye I'll take your carefull for my work in a future bye see you soon..
just a problem about the language content, is not present Italian language ? Or may be I can't find it?
Have you installed Italian language support in your Joomla admin panel?

Regards, AS Team.
Italian (IT) it-IT Amministratore 2015-07-02 Italian Translation Te
Can you please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel for checking this issue? The access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
It is because you enabled language filter in plugin manager but not created Italian content in Language Manager, we disabled it and now everything works fine.

Regards, AS Team.
I did thanks
thank you remain in english also the block 23 at the end of the first page and all pages in a service menu exactly
where compare read all and not leggi tutto in italian... Thanks a lot
By some reason you do not have template language files here:

Please take it from the template language folder and copy to the above path, then translate the content.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 5 Product
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