Hi, we bought you premium version of template 002059 uploaded it via quick installation as was described at your website to get a demo version on our website, everything went ok except homepage - slider doesn't work and it seems weird, could you please answer - what to do.
Link as example: http://exp-agency.com.ua/
AS Templates
POSTED: 2017-06-30
It seems you enabled the language switcher before the installation was finished. Please reinstall the package without installation the language, you can install it later from Joomla admin panel. Your website link should looks like: 'http://exp-agency.com.ua/index.php' without 'en' at the end.
Get an access to all 94 items designed and developed by AS Designing team plus all the future items
which will be released over the course of your club subscription.
Price starting from $59.00
Link as example: http://exp-agency.com.ua/
It seems you enabled the language switcher before the installation was finished. Please reinstall the package without installation the language, you can install it later from Joomla admin panel. Your website link should looks like: 'http://exp-agency.com.ua/index.php' without 'en' at the end.
Regards, AS Team.