Joomla! Template 002062 - Item Support

Hi to the AS Team,

I downloaded the free template 002062 for to try out at first on my local xampp server.

Everything works normally (I think so), but how can I switch the home-style to the view, like in your demo-page (different project-Banners)?

I only get the view like your home-style 2 (1 main Banner):

Thanks for your Help,
Hello STOKLA61,
We are sorry, the free version has only one style.

Regards, AS Team.
ah, ok.
However, after try out the template (I already like it) I will buy it anyway.

Hello STOKLA61,
Thank you.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello to the AS-Team,

after I setup the Quickstart package of the Regular License for the as002062 Template, I get the following messages in the Frontend of the website:


Notice: Undefined variable: frontpage_con in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\modules\mod_news_pro_gk4\gk_classes\gk.source.joomla.php on line 163

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$ID in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\modules\mod_news_pro_gk4\gk_classes\gk.source.joomla.php on line 176

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$access in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\modules\mod_news_pro_gk4\gk_classes\gk.source.joomla.php on line 177

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$ID in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\modules\mod_news_pro_gk4\gk_classes\gk.source.joomla.php on line 176

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$access in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\modules\mod_news_pro_gk4\gk_classes\gk.source.joomla.php on line 177

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$ID in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\modules\mod_news_pro_gk4\gk_classes\gk.source.joomla.php on line 176

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$access in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\modules\mod_news_pro_gk4\gk_classes\gk.source.joomla.php on line 177

Notice: Undefined variable: frontpage_con in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\modules\mod_news_pro_gk4\gk_classes\gk.source.joomla.php on line 223


Notice: Undefined variable: this in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\libraries\cms\application\cms.php on line 439

Notice: Undefined variable: this in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\libraries\cms\application\cms.php on line 439

Notice: Undefined variable: this in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\libraries\cms\application\cms.php on line 439

Notice: Undefined variable: this in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\libraries\cms\application\cms.php on line 439

Notice: Undefined variable: this in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\libraries\cms\application\cms.php on line 439

Notice: Undefined variable: this in C:\xampp\htdocs\MyName\libraries\cms\application\cms.php on line 439

There was no mistake during the setup and update setup.

I am not a Joomla-Professional and I hope that’s not a big thing ;-)

Thank you,
Hello STOKLA61,
You do not need to worry about it. All these notes you can easy disable in your Joomla admin panel -> Global configurations -> Server by changing the Error report parameter to 'None'.

Regards, AS Team.
Great, it works!
I hope, there's nothing wrong with my installation. An error occure not without any reason ;-)

Thanks a lot for answer me so fast.

Hi, its me again,

I want to make an icon for the Messenger Line.
How can I change the icon of an entry in the menu “social”?

I create a new .png with the Line-Logo in \templates\as002062\images\social and named it “ico.vimeo.png”.
In the backend I change the menu title for vimeo to Line, but let the CSS-Style in icon-vimeo. But I still get the Vimeo-Icon :-(

I hope I not bother you with my questions and sorry for my english.

Greets, Klaus
Hello STOKLA61,
You do not need to create any png icons, you have to use Bootstrap icons, the list of all icons you can find in css/bootstrap.css file, just make search for 'icon-', then you have to put the icon name to the 'Link CSS Style' parameter under Link Type tab of the Social Menu item page.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi to the AS-Team,

wow, life can be so easy ;-)
Thank you so much.

Actually there is no Line-Logo included, but the "icon-comments" is almost good enough.

Regards, Klaus
Another question to Modul: Home Random Image

The random Pic on my website is viewed very small. So I check the code with the developer tool in chrome. This is the code-line for the picture:

<img src="/MySite/images/home/Picture01.png" alt="Picture01.png" width="100" height="104">

Should it not be “… width="100%" … “, like in your demo-page? Where I can find the file for to add the "%" sign?

Thank you one more time.
Hello STOKLA61,
What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
It's not online yet, just on my laptop. Sorry
BTW, i am Klaus ;-)
I mean the picture left to the WELCOME - Text in Home-Style-2 (The guy with the dark sunglasses). My Website is strictly built on the demo-page.

This is the code-line in your online-demo:
<img src="/joomla-templates/002062/images/sampledata/asimage/random.home/random.1.png" alt="random.1.png" width="100%" height="104">

This is the same code-line for that picture in my website:
<img src="/MySite/images/home/Picture01.png" alt="Picture01.png" width="100" height="104">

Everything works, just the picture-size is much smaller in my page, only 100px and not 100%
Hello AS Team,

I got it!
I have to set "100%" in the module field for the width.
I did not try it, because the definition is "width (px)"

Regards, Klaus

can I use the “Main Menu - Gallery” in as002062 just for to view pictures only, not for articles, but also with the sort menu (all – guys – girls – studio).
Where I can find the setup – Phoca Gallery is in use only for “Recent Works”.

Thank you,
Good Morning,

I found the settings for the Gallery!
Sorry - next time I will try a bit longer ;-)

Hello to AS Team,
what I have to do, that I can get a contact form, same like in the AS Demo?
At the moment I just get an Address and the Map (Google API Key is installed). But I not find the settings for the definitions of the Contact-Form.
AS Demo:!AvcYvhxpMrU6g13L2pZlrk5amTgG
My Side:!AvcYvhxpMrU6g16Y1pewEOaVTtqd
Please can you help me?
If it will be helpful I can open the page online for you. But that moment it is just an test-environment.
Thanks, Klaus
Hello STOKLA61,
What is your website url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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