Joomla! Template Aerole TH - Item Support

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No respond on my questions on 07/15?
Want really to buy your nice theme, please answer soon.

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Hi again,

Is there a chance to change the preset color in blue?

And also waiting for a respond on my question from 07/23.

Dear Alex,

I am trying to change the color of the background of the ck menu, because without mouseover the words are nearly invisible. But in which line I have to change the color?
My site is

I have also one more problem: The menu is nice when you call home or start the site, but if you scroll a bit down, the menu change to transparent, which is good, but it also dobles and the contact goes to the 2nd line - why this?
The menu takes than to much place of the whole screen.

And another problem is, that if I have to many entries on a menupoint, let's say more than 10, and I try to scroll down to the end of the menupoints, I can not?! I can just see 8 menupoints, but not all. Scrolling down just scrolls the side down, not the menu.

You have more documentation for the ck menu and for the slider for me?

Dear Alex,

Is Prston on holiday? I wrote him sveral times, but no response.
He was a great help the last time! :-)

There are still two problems:
If I open the site on my tablet or mobile, I do not see in landscape-view the drop down points of the menus, nothing opened.
This works fine on your demo-page

And the "coming soon page": on a PC is all good, but with a tablet or mobile you can't see the words in a right position.
This is also the same on you demo-page, you should check this.


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Hi Alex,

waiting now for 3 month for an answer on my request 2014/11/05:

Dear Alex,

Is Prston on holiday? I wrote him sveral times, but no response.
He was a great help the last time! :-)

There are still two problems:
If I open the site on my tablet or mobile, I do not see in landscape-view the drop down points of the menus, nothing opened.
This works fine on your demo-page

And the "coming soon page": on a PC is all good, but with a tablet or mobile you can't see the words in a right position.
This is also the same on you demo-page, you should check this.


Need the update file for Plugin Maximenu CK Params. Could not update anymore through joomla.

Still waiting from Preston for the problem with the "Comming soon"-Page.

Item Name:
Aerole TH
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product