Joomla! Template Global PT - Item Support

ı install template from quickstart but ı have a problem... my submenu not list true.. list not to fit the screen... theme responsive but menu not responsive..
ı wait this update impatient now ı have a another question... ı want to raise the link button from portfolio pictures.. only see pictures zoom tool button.. how can ı do this? thanks...
hi, i send mail... ı wait a response...
I test your new templates and have 2 question.
1- What can ı raise information about category?
2- What can ı change/raise the sidebar information in the vertical menü?
hi i want to mobile menu give to open in the home can I do it?
ı want to "Do not be closed on the home page menu" so menu items that get open
Is there any progress?
hi again and thanks for help.. ı want to ask a new question :) ı want to change main menu's background color... how can ı do it?
ı change all 333333 color in the /public_html/templates/globalnews/css/custom.css but change nothing. how can ı change it?
I am using v5.globalpt... not upgrade v6 yet...where this code in the v5?
Item Name:
Global PT
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product

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