I have a few questions
1. The module Quick Contact is not (automaticily) in another language what is installed for joomla and template (polish). It's still in English. How i can fix that?
2. How do I remove the keys (prev / next) and read the key icon of the module hexite slideshow?
3. In the module 'partner' you can put a url by an image. But i want that it will open in a new screen/window and not in state off.
Thanks in forward.
Best regards,
POSTED: 2015-05-18
1. Please check your email
2. You can just add below css style to your 'theme.less' file to hide both options
I have a few questions
1. The module Quick Contact is not (automaticily) in another language what is installed for joomla and template (polish). It's still in English. How i can fix that?
2. How do I remove the keys (prev / next) and read the key icon of the module hexite slideshow?
3. In the module 'partner' you can put a url by an image. But i want that it will open in a new screen/window and not in state off.
Thanks in forward.
Best regards,
1. Please check your email
2. You can just add below css style to your 'theme.less' file to hide both options
.tm_slider_wrap .owl-controls .owl-pagination, .tm_slider_wrap .owl-controls .owl-buttons{display: none;}
3. We sent updated 'Partner' module to your email. So, you can download and re-upload it on your site again.
Best Regards,