Joomla! Template 002073 - Item Support

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The requested URL /sr/kontakt was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I get this error for every link I try to click. I've installed Flexi Contact but also when I try to enter some of the articles from the front page I get this error.

Second, I would like to split footer to 4 separate block instead of current settings. Now, whatever I put in the footer it just spread all around the footer and it's all messed up.

Can you help me fix this problem please?
Have you installed this template using quick-start installation package? What is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.
Ok. I've solved out error. It was .htaccess related.

But still I have problem with the footer.
What is your site url please? Have you set bootstrap column size for your modules?

Regards, AS Team.
how to include in Home Top Articles - Articles - Newsflash (Advanced) only one article from another category?

I have three articles now in that category, but I need one specific article from category Services but there is no option to include something like article ID or something like that, so that would be fourth block in Home Top Articles.

Also, I can't remove assignment of Home Top Articles nor AS Art Slider modules from articles that are linked in Home Top Articles module. When you click on any of these articles header lins it forwards you to an article and AS Art Slider and Home Top Articles modules are there, no matter I've chosen to show that only on the front page so that's a little bit confusing for me.

Link to the website is

We are sorry, there is no such option, we think in your case you have create a new newsflash module with one article only, it means in the same row you will have 2 newsflash modules one of them with 3 articles and the second with one only.

Regards, AS Team.
I've tried to make new Home Top Article module in same position (No. 6), so I could get 2x2 blocks.
I made two categories and assigned two articles for first category and two articles for another. But then below modules are moved by left margin for 20px and I don't know why.

Could you take a look and give me some advice what to do?

It seems you did not set bootstrap size under the module advanced parameters tab, you have put it to 12 columns.

Regards, AS Team.
I managed to align blocks somehow, but it forced and it is not the best solution for all devices but it's good for PC view. I had to put a <br /> tags to force block to stretch down to be in line with another (right) block and that is not a good solution but most important thing is that it is now in line.

Another problem I have is Art Slider and Article Newsflash modules are set to be only viewed on Home Page, but now when you click on one of four blocks in Article Newsflash module both modules are there and article is on the bottom of the page and I can't turn it off. Is it some solution for this problem?

And one more question. Which module/plugin/component control this - ?

In case to have articles content on separated pages you have to create menu items for your articles, as example please see Services or Slider Articles menus.

This gallery is integrates in the article, you can control it using menu item parameters only, the menu item type is Gallery View.

Regards, AS Team.
AS Templates Thanks! Great support! :)
Everything is great now even though I would like to fix somehow size and proportion of the four color blocks on the home page, because now if you are in the Google Chrome it is ok, but if you are on any other browser block are broken and not the same size.

If you are able to help me fix this that would be great!

Thanks in advance!
We checked your site in all available browsers it looks absolutely identical, if you still have the problem we need a screenshot of your site.

Regards, AS Team.
I've checked and only Internet Explorer and iPad version are broken so that is not a big problem. :)

Opera, Chrome and Mozilla are ok.

IE and iPad -
O, C and M -
Is it necessary to perform an update?
It is not necessary if you do not need extra Google fonts, article tags and you are not going to update Google Maps to the latest version.

Regards, AS Team.
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