Joomla! Template 002073 - Item Support


how can i change the place in google maps contact?
do i have to change the the google_map.php file from my template?

Regards, A. Rhyn
The location you can change by editing Longitude and Latitude parameters in your Joomla admin panel -> Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> System Google Maps under Location Settings tab.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

I want to insert a movie in our homepage. could you recomand me a plugin or modul to do that? i want insert it in a article like for example (mp4)filename(/mp4). which data type is the best one for mobile phones, ipads and browsers mp4, html5, flv?

Regards, MABATEC
Hello AS Team.

I can´t see the google map in the contacts anymore only the boarder from the map and the print symbol. Could it be an error with a other extension? How can I dedect if there is a conflict with a other plugin or module?

Thank´s for help.
What is your site url please? We will check it and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry but my site run local on a xampp server when i check the site with the firefox console i reseve this JS errors:

ReferenceError: Hash is not defined modal.js:7:7443
TypeError: SqueezeBox is undefined kontaktieren-sie-uns:53:10
Synchrone XMLHttpRequests am Haupt-Thread sollte nicht mehr verwendet werden, weil es nachteilige Effekte für das Erlebnis der Endbenutzer hat. Für weitere Hilfe siehe app.js:3:0
nicht wohlgeformt indexed.json:1:1
nicht wohlgeformt en-US.json:1:1
nicht wohlgeformt
We are sorry, without to see your site source code we can't help you.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

I would change a link from a preview image in a article to a externe url. Where I have to do that? It would be great if I could write the Url into the Link A box. At the moment the link goes always to the complete article.

Do I have to modify this file joomla/templates/as002073/html/com_content/article/default.php and how?

Thanks for Help
Sorry, there is no such option, external url to the image you can add in your custom HTML only.

Regards, AS Team.
And if I don´t want the link on the intro image, how can I remove the link, there must be a solution to unlink it or not?
This option should be developed, sorry current template version does not have such. If you interested you may ask for our services:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

I have the Problem by the Submenu Services when the Intro Text is to long you cant see the read more and zoom-in Icon any more.
So it is possible to hide the Intro Text when the with-size is smaler than 767px?

That would be great.
We need to see your site please.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

I updated the google maps plugin to version 3.4.1. Now you can't see the map anymore. Is there some bug to fix? Thank for helping us. Our page is online now:


Mabatec AG
We are sorry, there is no Google map plugin version 3.4.1, the latest version is 3.3:

The latest version 3.3 was not tested yet with our templates, we are using version 3.2

Regards, AS Team.
That's true i tried version 3.3 but it doesn't work with this version. You can't see the map so i downgraded to version 3.2 again. Maybe you can inform us if you have solve the problem so we can make the update.

Thank you

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